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Aquarium Bugs???


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Today I noticed hundreds of tiny swimming bugs in my snail breeding tank. I wish I 100% knew what they were but there so small you’d need a microscope to really be able to tell… they are a darker color almost brown looking, not white or clear. Round, Very very small, kind of fast, swimming all through the water, then attach to the glass…I am thinking they are baby seed shrimp and I am worried I will not be able to get rid of them for this is my snail breeding tank and I already see 10 less egg sacks then I did 2 days ago. I concerned that the bugs are eating the snail eggs and an in full panic mode for this is my puffers main food source and purchasing snails constantly gets very expensive. Should I be worried? How do I get rid of them? Was thinking of adding a guppy in hopes it’d eat the bugs, but the fish also eat snails eggs… Any tips, comments, or suggestions is greatly appreciated for im kind of at a loss on what to do or how to save my snail breeding tank. Thanks! 🙏😊

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Probably copepods.  I often have them even in "virgin" tanks. Nature finds a way.

I wouldn't be worried. You can add micro predators or any fish really. They'll eat 'em. However, they won't harm snails or their eggs.

I've never had a fish eat snail eggs. For me, sadly.

I mean, never. Goldfish, killifish, rams, guppies, mollies, swordtails, rasboras, danios, shrimp... none have eaten snail eggs.

Plecos and loaches as well. Corydoras. They don't eat 'em. >.> "No planaria" however.... that kills all the snails ime.

If you lived near me, I'd give you ramshorn and bladder snails for free. Please, take them. Lol

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