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Nano Tank Stocking Ideas

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So im working with somewhat limited space so no big fish room or 125 gallon aquariums for me at the moment. I had an idea though to instead just keep a fair amount of nano tanks to feed my MTS. I am building a custom stand to hold three 7 gallon cube tanks and my idea was to do each of them regionally themed. My question for you guys is what could I feasibly stock them with? I really want to do a South American one, an Asian one and potentially African or Australian one. I had thought of Cardinal tetras, chili rasboras, CPDs etc. But have any of you done anything similar and what have you had success with? I already have the Betta thing covered (as my name might suggest lol) so just wanted to do something different. Thanks!

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Here are some fish I can recommend for each tank, as well as some snail species. I think one species of fish with one snail would be fantastic for these tanks!

South American tank:

Corydoras hastatus

Nannostomus marginatus

Pomacea bridgesii

Neritina reclivata

Asian tank (couldn't think of any fish from this region that I'd put in this size tank, so it's just snails):

Clea helena


Neritina variegata

Neritina auriculata

Melanoides maculata

Neritina pulligera

Faunus ater

Vittina waigiensis


Neritina juttingae

Neritodryas dubia

Melanoides tuberculata

Septaria porcellana

Vittina jovis

Neripteron rubicundus

Brotia pagodula

Thiara winteri

Neritina violacea

Neritina semiconica

Angulyagra zamboegensis

African tank:

Neolebias ansorgii

Neritina natalensis

I couldn't find anything that I would put in that size of tank and comes from Australia, though I'm sure other people here will have plenty of other ideas! 

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