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  1. I had a group of trigonostigma somphongsi that I was spawning fairly regularly, but sadly lost them when I lost all my fish due to an ice storm earlier this year. When I first got them, I knew I wanted to spawn them, and did quite a bit of reading. I found a spawning report on seriouslyfish, and followed those steps with quite a bit of success. Later on, I tried spawning them without doing anything to the water and also had success with my near 7 ph somewhat hard water. So, I don't think you actually have to do much outside of conditioning them (which I did by feeding bbs for a few weeks) and separating a pair out so they can have some peace. One thing I couldn't find, that I am providing here, is what their spawning behavior looks like. The article said they spawn by turning upside down near broad leaf plants, but again, they used leaves on everything from water wisteria to java fern and others. I never did see the eggs, but that could just be my eyes and how small they are. I would just condition them, pull two and put them into a small planted tank I call the love shack, and then pull them back out after three days of feeding them brine shrimp in there. Usually I would see them spawn somewhere along the way. Sometimes I wouldn't, but I would almost always find fry 5 to 7 days after I pulled the parents. No idea if that is how long the eggs took to hatch, or if that is how long it takes for the fry to be visible. I would feed them hikari first bites for the first several days and then get them on bbs after that, and I always had success.
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