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  1. I know Cory has touched on this in some of his videos and I’ve always been able to relate. I love keeping fish and I’ve always had at least one tank since I was in fifth grade (I’m now 26 so I’ve had them for a majority of my life lol.) Every 12-18 months or so, I seem to go through this slump where I’m less interested in my fish and I even find myself looking at some of my larger tanks and considering downsizing. After a while, I always snap out of this and usually resume my normal routine of regularly perusing facebook marketplace for deals on used tanks and consuming countless hours of aquarium youtube content. Typically the death of a fish I’m particularly fond of can trigger this. Other triggers have been losing a battle with stag horn algae, lack of success with a particular plant/fish, or just getting tired of an aquascape or a type of fish. One interesting thing I’ve found is external stressors, especially ones from my work or my personal life tend to snap me right out of the burnout funk and make me realize just how awesome and therapeutic this hobby is. Three months ago, work was fine and my interest in my tanks was lower. Fast forward a few months and I’m as plugged into my tanks as I can be. September is a very busy time of the year for my job and I’m nearing the most stressful time of my professional life. When I come home from work, I probably spend at least an hour or two watching my tank every day. I’m dosing easy green and easy potassium pretty regularly and my tank looks better than it has in at least a year. I look forward to getting through my day so that I can come home and enjoy my tank after work. I share all this to ask, what are your experiences with burnout in this hobby? What seems to trigger it for you and what pulls you back into your tanks? Bonus: here are some pics of my favorite tank at the moment. I’m thinking about referring to at as the Anubias Reef.
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