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  1. I have a day to try to get my tanks back in balance after 2 weeks of trying to care for them as I dash in for an hour while caring for my mom at her home. (She starts a new treatment tomorrow; we have our fingers crossed) I have been changing water and vacuuming the tanks and such. I don’t trust the well yet, so I am using bottled spring drinking water for my changes. The 10 gallon tank with one male betta , 2 peppered corys, some guppy fry, lots of snails and IAL has high ammonia with 0 nitrates and 0 nitrites. I don’t see any sign of dead fish or snails. A week ago, I opened the curtain on the north facing window a little in hopes that the plants and algae would help consume the nitrogen While I was helping Mom. The floor and ornaments of that tank are mostly covered with a thin dark green layer, I assume it is algae. I am guessing that the 2 medium sponge filters are clogged up and need cleaning. Would this explain the weird water parms? I am hoping to get an idea of what might be cause the parms before I do something that might make the situation worse. Normally I only clean one filter before a water change. (I alternate which filter I clean to keep the tank well cycled.) I am thinking I should clean both before I change the water. All thoughts are welcome.
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