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  1. I’m really not very interested in raising and rehoming guppies, but I am starting to see a lot of fry in my community tank. They are hiding in plastic and real plants. I can not figure out how to net them out when they are in the plants. In Aquarium Co Op video “Beginners, WATCH THIS before you get Guppies!” Cory talks about using an air lift to move guppy fry into a fry holding area. I don’t have the bandwidth to find the point where he talks about this, I think Q&A. What I remembered was he said was something like this: You set up an air lift pipe with the bottom covered in rocks space so the fry could enter and the adults could not. The fry head to the rocks for cover and the air lift pulls them up and drops the in a fry holder. I’m thinking about putting white hollow bio filter ceramic cylinders around a sponge filter core, where the sponge would normally be, and have the lift drop them into a net breeder box in the tank with the adults. I am also thinking on use a mess plant pot instead of a sponge filter core. I am just guessing that the fry would head for the black hole in the ceramic cylinders better than the light slits between the black plastic of the pots. Has anyone tried anything like this?
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