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  1. Hi guys, today was the exciting day I got to move my ember tetras, which I’ve had quarantined since Nov (yeah, didn’t plan for it to be that long) from a 5g into a 20g. I set up quite the paradise for them. Unfortunately they all passed during drip acclimation. Yesterday I added 1 Tbsp salt to their 5g tank because 1 fish had an issue where it was turning clear with a black stripe (ongoing issue and not ammonia related). Today I sanitized the drip acc container with 3% peroxide. Nets were sanitized too. This is my standard practice to sanitize things between tanks. I also rinsed container with tap water in case residual peroxide might harm them. Then, I added 2 (Solo) cups (32 oz) of their tank water to the drip acc container, netted them, and added them to the container. I started drip acclimation (1-2 drops/sec). I draped a towel over the container but left one end of the towel raised (think lean-to tent). I do this to allow them air but also to keep stress down. I did this with the last fishes I acclimated in this container. This also prevents my cats from messing with fish that are acclimating. Checked back in 50 min. They were all deceased. Where did I go wrong? Salted water to non-salted water? Temp change? 80 to 75 Residual peroxide? (Supposed to be harmless to fish, or so I thought) Residual tap water on the walls of the container before I added tank water? Seems like if it was there it would be such a low concentration of tap water things (chloramine etc) but idk if that would amount would be enough to kill fishes. No aeration (I don’t usually aerate drip acclimation containers, but would this species require that? Are they generally sensitive? Then again they made a 2 hr trip home from Aquashella in a bag.) Or stress? I am dumbfounded. and heartbroken but I want to learn so this never happens again 😭 P.S. Any lashings you deal me will not equate to the guilt I feel
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