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  1. I am a daughter of a daughter of the Depression. We try not to let anything go to waste. After Christmas, We drive around looking for big dense Christmas trees on the side of the road and toss several in the back of the truck. Then we bring them home and arrange them in ways that the birds find tasteful near the birdfeeders. It give the birds a place to hang out and chat as well as cover from the winter winds and weather. And if a eagle or hawk flies by, all the birds melt into the trees without a trace. In the spring we chain the trees to the seawall at the front of the lawn. this gives small fish shelter from big fish and a great place for fish to spawn. The birds still like hanging out in the branches as they slowly lose their needles. The water snakes also like to sun them selves while hunting small fish and frogs. In the fall they are sometimes used in bon fires, or cut up into kindling. It makes Christmas last all year round.
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