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  1. Hi everyone! I'm currently struggling with keeping a stable pH level in my 5g tank. I have three guppies and two amano shrimp. My house is on filtered water so it's measuring 0 gh and 6 kh. Out of tap, I'm measuring at a pH of 7.6 but after I added the guppies, it's dipped to 6.0 after a few days! I've been doing 20% water changes everyday to try and keep the pH up. My cousin (who's given me the guppies) recommends that I swap out my water for bottled spring water (he uses Crystal geyser), however, a lot of what I'm reading online don't highly recommend bottled spring water, and for those that do, don't recommend any specific brand. I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who have experience using bottled spring water and if so, what do you use? I don't mind price so as long as they're good for my fishes. :)
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