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  1. Hi there. I wanted to know if anyone recognizes this as a visible illness on Diamond Tetra. I quarantined them when I noticed a weird black splotch on their lip. I'm treating with melafix because I read that a similar issue was a bacterial infection? There isn't anything super wrong with the tank parameters. There might be a bit too much easy green since the quarantine tank was just a planted tank originally. But the tank that they came from is fully cycled, with regular water changes. It just doesn't seem to be improving? The Lil guy has eaten a tiny bit but generally doesn't seem motivated. (Think like 3 fish flakes in a few days). Again, if anyone recognizes this or has any ideas that might help (salt? Increase temp? Maybe try a parasite medication) I would be ecstatic to try. I just don't know how much doing everything at once can help. And melafix instructions say not to mix it with other treatments. (Though I am adding stress coat every day mostly because I'm worried about the mental health an isolated schooling fish) Thanks again.
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