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  1. Literally just brought them home. This one started doing this when I was floating them. Before I’d even added any water from my tank. I guess you could say he seems okay otherwise. He doesn’t have any spots or redness on him.
  2. Hi. Just got some corydoras from a big box pet store close to me. One of them does fine until he stops swimming. Then he slowly floats to the surface. Then he’ll swim back down again. As soon as he stops swimming, he starts floating. The other ones are doing well. Any ideas? Temp 78, ph 7, 0 ammonia or nitrites, nitrates 20-30.
  3. My substrate is about 1.5-2 inches thick. I pushed them all the way to the bottom but due to being capsules and containing a lot of air I had issues with them floating back up. I’ll do better next time.
  4. Thanks! It is a 20 gallon long.
  5. Do you think this is a good guide?
  6. The bacteria instructions do not say to add daily, it just says monitor ammonia and nitrite levels daily. How high can I let the nitrite go before I do a water change? How often should I be doing water changes?
  7. I am using fritz complete which looks like it is similar to seachem prime. It removes chlorine and neutralizes nitrites and ammonia. Is seachem Prime better?
  8. Okay done. Ammonia=0, ph=7.6, 0 nitrites and nitrates. I added bacteria because I had it but no aquarium salt. Should I go get some?
  9. Hello. I’m hoping for some help. I have a planted low tech tank with Java fern, Java moss, cryptocorne, Aponogeton crispus, Java sword, bacopa caroliniana, petite anubias and some pothos coming out of the tank. The tank is a 20 gallon long with a stingray light. I have aqua soil, crushed coral and a sponge filter. Temp is 77-82. I have new plant growth and thought my tank was cycled. Tank is 3 weeks old with 1 nerite, 1 mystery and 3 guppies. Parameters were looking good until I tried to place root tabs. I didn’t know to punch a hole in them so they wouldn’t float. They all floated and dissolved pretty immediately. Since then nitrites are reading 1.0, nitrates 20-30 and ammonia 0. I am doing 20% daily water changes with fritz complete as a conditioner and adding fritz zyme 7. I am feeding 0-1 times per day. Nitrite goes down to 0.25-0.5 with water change and is up again the next day. Thanks to all those who read this long post. Any help/advice is much appreciated!
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