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  1. The tank is 22 inches deep, as for gh/kh and ph I could test it now but I just started the tank so I know the results would not be true. Temp is 73° f. Standard neon aquarium light for now. I do have well water not city water
  2. Ok guys and dolls I've been away from this hobby for several years and sold or given away all my toys, but today a friend gave me what I'm guessing is a 40ish gallon hectagon tank for my granddaughters and the fire is alive again. I can do fish well but never been able to do plants well for long periods. I'm looking for recommendations on good starter plants and how to make them grow. I'd like eventually to create a nice eco system and maybe teach my girls a little about nature and life. I'm at work alot and need hearty plants that don't need alot of attention.any help would be appreciated, thank you.
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