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Posts posted by ChanMan

  1. On 3/20/2022 at 1:26 PM, Colu said:

    High levels of nitrates can effect fish immune system coupled with the ammonia  are probably the cause daily water changes and add a double dose of prime to detoxify any ammonia or nitrites till it gets to zero if you can get a 5 gallon tank or you can use a plastic tote to Qarantine him   the most effective treatment I have found for Dropsy is kanaplex in food metroplex to treat the water column   metroplex treats aeromonas bacteria a common cause of Dropsy and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons to help reduce the fluid buildup or you can do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes @ChanMan


    Do I need a filter in the tote or will an air stone be good enough?

  2. On 3/20/2022 at 4:46 AM, Colu said:

    What are your water parameters and can you take a picture of the sick fish and how long has he had symptoms such as pineconing

    I noticed the pineconing on Friday.  I did a water change Friday night, but forgot to test the water first.  A day after the water change I tested the water and ammonia was between 0.25-0.50, nitrites were 0, and nitrates were between 40-80.  I also have live plants an in the tank and they’re all thriving.  I did another water change after testing the water.  The other fish in the tank are doing fine.

  3. On 3/19/2022 at 4:27 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Oh my. I'm sorry to break this to you it appears your Betta fish has a symptom of Dropsy which sadly is just about 100% fatal. What you see with the bloat if you zoom in is what is called "pineconing" which is a symptom of the disease. It's basically kidney failure and by the time you see symtoms treatment can be done but prognosis is not good. 

    What treatment can I do?

  4. On 3/19/2022 at 3:03 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    The Ammonia is a HUGE issue. This is also after a water change- so it was likely much higher. Your Betta likely has Ammonia poisoning. I would do another water change immediately and try and get ammonia to 0. What you are probably seeing is redness caused from ammonia, it can also cause finrot. You may consider adding Aquarium Salt as well to prevent bacterial infection due to the ammonia poisoning and help gill function in all your fish. 

    You'll have to figure out what is causing the ammonia. Check all your inhabitants- have you seen them all? Could be death, rotting plants or food something is causing it. 

    78 isn't terrible and yes he's probably "fine" but the more I've read and seen about Bettas here on the forum (just search sick and/or dying betta) the more I've modified how I would keep one (and I won't anymore because they are extremely delicate) and keep them from getting sick- higher temperatures, high humidity and tannins- from Indian Almond Leaf (Catappa) most preferably always present in their tanks. Things to consider. 

    The plants all look good.  I circled where I see the red on his fins and I also took a pic of him from the top of the tank.  He looks a little bloated to me.



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  5. On 3/19/2022 at 11:23 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Hi @ChanMan welcome to the forum. 

    Bettas are not easy fish to keep and are rather delicate when it comes to health issues.

    First, whenever something is wrong, test your water- it's ok you already changed it and forgot, do it now. When you post here post what the test results are (some people just said their water "tested fine" but that isn't always the case, it might be a window into what is really going on), that helps us help you diagnose what's going on. 

    Secondly, Are there any physical signs on your Betta that would indicate a change...fins wearing away, tears, cloudy eyes, scales that stick up, discolorations, lumps or bumps. 

    Thirdly, the behavior which you've told us about. Hanging out at the bottom of the tank, or gasping for air at the top (is he doing this?) is NEVER good. 

    What are you keeping your tank at? Bettas do best at 80-82 degrees. 
    What is your filtration? Have you done anything to this tank recently and how old is it?

    These sorts of things will help the forum get you sorted out. 

    Nitrites are 0, ammonia is between 0.25-0.50, and nitrates are between 40-80.  I have a sponge filter.  His fins look tey have red marks on them like dried up blood, but they don’t like they’ve been nipped on.  The tank is about 78, but it’s been that way since I got him and it never bothered him before.

  6. My betta was at the bottom of the tank last night and it looked like he had labored breathing or was having a hard time breathing.  I did a water change, but my dumbass didn’t test the water before I did the water change so I don’t know what the parameters were.  Today he’s staying at the top, but seems to be breathing normal.  He looks a little plump, but he did eat a few pebbles of food, but my other fish in the tank did not.but they seem to be doing fine otherwise  I have sand and live plants in the tank.  


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