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Nano Bubbles

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  1. Thank you! For my big tank I don’t use anything fancy like that, just gravel and root tabs and liquid fertilizer. But for my little tank I use seachem flourite.
  2. Thank you! Yeah I just want to play around with co2 and give it a try, just to say I did and know for sure if it’s worth it or not for myself. Thanks so much for explaining all that!
  3. Thanks for explaining your setup and experience! That was easy to understand. I’m going to try that layout. I’ll just need to buy a powerhead 👍
  4. Awesome thanks so much. I would definitely buy that one but I'm in Canada.
  5. Does ACO stand for aquarium co-op? If it does, I’m in Canada and can’t get that one. I wish I could. Oh yeah?? Could you recommend any videos on how to do that?
  6. I wish I could buy that one, but I’m in Canada.
  7. Powerhead for what part? Sorry I’m lost
  8. Wow! Thank you for all that information. ADA definitely sounds like something very far off that I’m nowhere near ready to attempt lol. I’ll remove one sponge filter and start there. What kind of powerhead would do that?
  9. I’ve gotten into live plants the last year and just want to see if the CO2 will kick up my growth in my larger tank. Im not sure what ADA aesthetic is, so I don’t think I’m going for it lol. Do you think removing one sponge filter and having the sponge and the cO2 diffuser on opposite sides of the tank would be best?
  10. Is CO2 worth it if you use sponge filters? I have two sponges running in my 36gallon and I just added a little co2 kit. I was super excited until I found out that they’re not compatible or you run out of co2 faster? Just looking for some people who have experience with this and how it worked out for you and if you still think it’s worth it. I don’t want to stop using sponge filters either. p.s. I know CO2 isn’t necessary at all and you can have great growth without it, I’ve just never tried it and wanted to.
  11. Does anyone have any tips on swapping out planted aquariums? I have a 5 gallon tank I have on my dresser and I want to replace it with a 9 gallon tank but put it in the same place. I’m really just concerned about killing my plants by completely uprooting them all. Should I drain the 5 gallon and put all the plants in a bucket of tank water, take out all the substrate, fill the new tank and put in old substrate and plants? With some new substrate because I’ll need more for the bigger tank? I only have a beta and a couple snails and I have another quarantine tank I can keep them in until the new 9 gallon is set up, but I’m really at a loss. I’m new to planted aquariums and my cryps have finally really taken off and I don’t want to kill them by uprooting them. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated!
  12. I’d love to upgrade to a 75g! 😍 but my husband won’t agree to it, it was a battle even getting this tank. Maybe by the time they’ve outgrown this one I can upgrade! If not I’ll find them a good new home 🙂 thank you!!
  13. Great! This makes me feel so much better. I love them so much but I wasn't sure if I was being selfish keeping them until they grow bigger. Thank you so much for your insight! 🙂
  14. Hello! This is my first time posting and I'm nervous to get backlash, but I'm really looking for some help/opinions. I have a 36 gallon community tank including 4 clown loaches. I had one alone for about a year because I was uneducated and there was only one at the store at the time. Since initially setting up my first tank and THEN doing research, I have been adding clown loaches as they've come up at my local fish store. So! My question being, I know they need a bigger shoal than 4, but is keeping them until they outgrow the tank detrimental to their well-being or stunt their growth? Thank you so much in advance for any help! 🙂
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