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Posts posted by KatSeven

  1. I picked up a Petco 10 gallon and checked the silicone carefully. However, I missed that the bottom black rim along the longer side of the tank is loose. It's held water for a day and a half without leaking but I'm concerned.

    Will this leak in the long term or the short term? I'm using it for a temporary holding tank for less than a week while I rescape the main tank.


  2. I think I have Angelicus loaches all about 2-3 inches long, and I love them. They're currently residing with 3 flame tetras and a zebra danio who's missing her eye.  They all get along since they're all voracious and enthusiastic feeders. The tetras and the danio are going to be moved to a different tank with the rest of the tetras and the danios.

    I was thinking green neon tetras because I love the look of them in a planted tank but are they vigorous enough? I'm mostly concerned about feeding time because the loaches are very quick to grab food and I don't want anything to get outcompeted. Suggestions for other tankmates? I prefer hardy nanofish who thrive in a planted tank. 


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