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Posts posted by rastamon34

  1. On 4/15/2022 at 12:42 PM, modified lung said:

    I used to live in WI so I know how much of a problem mold can be there. A vapor/moisture barrier under the carpet helps a lot. I'm not sure but I thinks they might be a WI building code requirement for carpet over cement. Make sure there's lots of ventilation or air movement all the time and that there's at least a few inch gap between anything and the wall. I would always put a fan on big water spills right away and I'm sure you know about dehumidifiers. I'd probably cap all your tanks to prevent evaporation too. That's what I did anyways. All that might be overkill under normal circumstances but I had to be extra careful because my son had bad asthma.

    I was thinking of just throwing the stick on tiles onto the cement, the carpet tiles are real thin and I will dry off any drips, but honestly putting backing under will hold more water. I will run a dehumidifier in the summer. Mold is my worst fear, I am going to have lids on everything thats for sure, not trying to destroy my first house with mold. Part of me wants to leave the concrete as it is, but I think that's the coldest source in the fishroom come winter, I want something to insulate a bit, it gets down to 59 60 down there in the worst of winter.

  2. Trying to lay carpet in wisconsin basement fishroom, try to insulate the floor a bit from the cold, I know cory carpets the store, I am curious if anyone know what kind of carpet that can get a bit wet or whatever and not mold. Anyone have any advice, what have you used in your fishroom

  3. Thanks for the info everyone, there is a lot of ductwork for the heating cooling of the whole house, I'd have to imagine it would be quite expensive to have another offshoot vent and independent thermostat installed, although it would probably be most energy efficient. I've got quite a bit of insulating to do yet, but with the drywall up on that framing, and running one of those radiator style looking electric space heaters all day yesterday while I was home, I brought the room up from 60 to 67. I turned it off before bed, and it seemed to hold the temp a while. Still just did not trust leaving the space heater on constantly, while I was asleep or not home. I guess that is something I will have to get over, since it seems tons of people just run space heaters in their fish room safely.

  4. I live in Wisconsin and have just framed off and drywalled a 10 by 15 foot portion of my basement. I'm going to pink foam board the exposed cinderblock walls and work on insulating now. My basement in the winter can be 60 degrees at its coldest, this is without any insulation, and 78 79 degrees at its hottest in summer. I obviously will run a dehumidifier in the summer. 

    I mostly keep guppies and have done this super successfully, at room temperature in the upstairs of my house where the thermostat in winter is usually 68 69, so sometimes dropping to 65 or so at night. I'm really just looking to raise the temperature 10 degrees to around 70 in the winter, and am running out of time to test warming the place up as it is getting to be spring here. I'd love if someone could recommend me the exact space heater, wall heater, or whatever they are using to heat their fish room. Maybe a temperature controller also? The more I read about every heater I've researched I get sketched out by a review of it almost burning the house down. I keep getting discouraged to pull the trigger on any type of space heater as I look at reviews. Anyone have one they've been using for a year and not burnt the house down, feel comfortable with it running when they are away? I'll honestly probably set up a wifi camera down there to keep an eye on it anyways, not that it can put out fires. Am I just too paranoid about space heaters of old, and modern ones are different?



  5. hornwort is great but I prefer just guppy grass now, they seem to both grow wildly quick. Whenever I'd drop hornwort into a new tank or get it from a store, it would always shed a ton of needles, and just cover everything, kind of bothered me visually, and I generally keep messy tanks haha. To each their own, when its green and growing well it looks great though.

  6. I’m starting to think  the regular male is sterile as well, moved them all down to a 10 gal with some Indian rice fish and yellow shrimp. Took a scoop of 50 or so koi guppys and moved them on up to the 55 gallon. Seemed like wasted space to have a non breeding set of 7 or so guppies in a 55.

    I think I’ll give it another month or so , before I throw either a koi guppy male or dumbo metal head male that’s proven his skills in there to shake things up and just see what happens. Don’t quite have the extra tanks at the moment to selectively breed, but at this point I’m curious what would come out!

  7. Right I figured with a combo of non ribboned males and females someone was bound to get pregnant. I guess not though. I’ll Give it a bit more time but I don’t know how I feel about a non breeding group of 8 9 fish taking up my whole 55. I’ve had other guppy colonies turn into hundreds in there, I think these guppies may get demoted to a smaller tank

  8. So I’ve bred thousands of guppies and acquired these ribbon tail Japanese pingu guppies, they are gorgeous, albeit a little fat. I originally bought 6 of them and one was pregnant and had three or so fry survive. Anyways, I know on some the ribbon tails can interfere with breeding, but I have a mix of a male with no ribbon and 2 females with no ribbon. So out of the 9 or so fish some combo should bang? I have no interest in punnet squaring the traits of ribbon, but I cannot get these to go for the life of me. I’ve had them in a heated ten gallon alone, now have them in a room temp about 70 degree  planted 55 with some precox and Cory cats. I’ve had these guppies for almost 9 months with no breeding. I’ve got koi guppies in the tank below with more babies than I know what to do with, I’ll toss in a pic of the prolific male, but can’t seem to get a single female holding here!



















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  9. Hey, I've bred bristlenose a few times in a 20L with swordtails and other things 2 or 3 times now in a community setting. I put a flashlight to the pleco cave and saw eggs, this time I moved the cave full of eggs to a bare bottom 10 gallon tank so I could check out the action! Now you guys can too. I'll continue to post updates, but this is what I could never really quite see without a dedicated tank. Meet some wigglers...

    Day 1

    Day 2


    And no my youtube is not monetized or anything, I just honestly find this cool and none of my friends do, haha. Today is day 3, and all of them are in the furthest back corner and I can't get a solid video or picture, I'll try tomorrow and look at the stache on this pleco. Wow I don't think I've made  a forum post since back before you could even embed video. This is cool



    here's a quick vid of the 20L of the conception, got 3 female bristlenose and this one ugly male shown above, probably about 40-60 swordtails of varying generations, as well as 2 to 3 different generations of pleco cruising around the bottom. All run on a single co op sponge filter and at room temp/no heater.



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