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  1. The intake valve tube that comes with my Fluval FX6 is too long. It pushes the valve right against the deep sand substrate. I CANNOT find shorter tube that has these dimensions - 1” at top and 3/4” at bottom as far as I can tell. I have looked all over. In the mean time, there is no tube attached and I have lost several fish that have been sucked up into the intake hose, including some beloved ones. I am frankly pissed at Fluval. This filter costs like a gajillion dollars and leaves you with one hose that is not adjustable enough. If it can’t fit in a 75 gallon tank, they have been negligent in providing enough options. This has cost me a lot of money and heartbreak in fish, despite a LOT of effort on my part to find a solution. If you bought a Lexus and the seatbelts weren’t adjustable, it would be egregious, and that’s how this feels. Regardless, I am hoping someone can offer a solution.
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