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Carrie Ford

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  1. Inherited a tank with a couple lonely fish and a bunch of snails... Are these just regular ramshorns? What's going on with the shells? I'm guessing mineral deficiency, but don't know
  2. Looks like I'll be making a trip to the co-op tomorrow evening so they can rehome the lil guy!
  3. That's what I was thinking. Poor fish, I'll have to find him a better permanent home--my 29 doesn't have the bioload for a school of corys
  4. Hello, a coworker of a friend wanted to get rid of his 5 gallon tank, so my friend got it for me. I need assistance in IDing this one fish though. Looks like maybe a type of cory, but I'm not sure and he didn't know either. Poor lil guys... 1 glolight tetra and this catfish all alone.
  5. Ah! Okay, this makes sense-- it's a heavily planted tank witjout CO2 and gets more light than it should (it's at my office and I don't use a timer, I just have the light on while I'm there and often work 10 hr days.) I also started dosing the co-ops liquid fertilizer about 2 weeks ago because my nitrates were holding steady at 0. The tank has been setup for a good 6 months so not new, but not old either. I have 5 nerites, about 15-20 cherry shrimp, and a number of MTS for algae control. Suggestions? I did just add 2 platys and 3 endlers to the bioload yesterday, if that makes any difference.
  6. Noticed that some of my plants looked "fuzzy" and on closer inspection it looks like a fuzzy green algae of sorts? Looks too short for hair algae but not in spots like green spot. Does not affect my swords, sprite, wisteria, or any of the plants with red color. At least not yet. Ideas?
  7. One of my platys had fry a good 3 weeks ago. Since that time she has been very listless and hiding or just laying on the bottom of the tank. She'll come out once in awhile, swim around, eat, etc., then go back to hiding. She definitely hasn't gotten pregnant again, the male has no interest in her, and she just doesn't look well compared to her previous look. Any thoughts? Oh, all water parametrs good an unchanged. Ph 7, GH 8, KH 4, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 0. Temp 76-78.
  8. Hi! I keep having to clean my tank glass and assumed it was algae, so I got a couple nerites. It's still coming back tho and someone else online had a picture of what I would have thought was algae on the glass, but the photo/video said it was hydra. Is this algae or hydra?
  9. Hi FSH! They've all been in the tank for 1+ month. The newest thing would be a lotus flower bulb from the Aquarium Co-op, and even that has been a few weeks. I suppose it's entirely possible that they have been getting out-competed for food. All water parameters would indicate that there's not an access of food, and like you said, with all the snails and loaches (and the tetras that are lil piggies), it's possible. I'll try bumping up the sinking food and seeing if that helps!
  10. Just an update -- she was indeed just resting and is fine now! I did end up rehoming her and the other female -- they were making waaaay too many babies and I was tired of finding people on facebook marketplace to take them, lol. I'm debating between getting a few more males so the 3 male endlers left are happier or rehoming them as well. Somehow I ended up with a glolight tetra tank, despite not caring for the fish! (inhereited 4 with the tank and one was a bully, so I got taller plants to block line of sight and then added 3 more when that didn't work... they are happier now, but now I have 7 glolight tetras. They show up well on zoom calls though, so I don't hate them.)
  11. Last week I had 2 cherry shrimp die suddenly. I checked water parameters and they were all good, though I didnt have a GH/KH test kit, so I ordered that and checked it and they were alright too. I figured maybe just old age, and went on about my day. Today I came in to another dead shrimp. I have a heavily planted tank with kuhli loaches, so there could be more--these ones were towards the front of the tank where I can see. No damage seen on them, just dead. Any ideas?! Other tank info: 29 gallon, lots of plants, 7 glofish tetra, 7 kuhli loaches, 3 adult endlers, 3 adult platys, 5 nerites, 9 adult malaysian trumpet snails, 15ish adult cherry shrimp. Variety of babies of endlers, platys, and trumpet snails. Running 2 Aqueon quietflow 20 filters Water Changes: It's been about a month, I generally just test parameters and top off water as it evaporates, about 2 gallons per week. Temperature: Ranges from 76-78 F pH: 6.8-7.0 (color looks a bit in between the two) Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0, maybe 2? (I know, my plants are hungry...) GH: 5 KH: 2-3 (kinda started to change after 2, was definitely changed at 3)
  12. Hi! I have 2 female endler guppies and one just had fry last night. Today, she is just laying at the bottom of the tank. Is this normal?? pH 7.0-7.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5-10
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