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  1. Hi Spencer, Both my rams are doing ok. I decided to move them back to my more established 55 gallon tank temporarily. The bumps seem to have lessened. I’m thinking I should scrap my 15 gallon display tank and build myself a bigger display tank for them. Hopefully they will do better and so will my plants since I don’t have much experience with aquatic plants. Thanks RL
  2. 1) yes i have done water test, ph is 7.0, ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is about 20 ppm 2) i have added these 2 rams about a month ago, they get along fine 3) i havent notice any changes in their behavior such as itching or rubbing 4) i do a 30% water change either once or twice a week. i currently have them in a 15 x 15 x 15 cube, temp at 71 fyi, i added excel flourish recently to help my browning plants and added a spirulina pellet to their diet. thanks for any advice you can give.
  3. Hi, can anyone tell me what this white bump on my Bolivian ram is? Both my rams have it. They both have this on the same spot, the left side of their face.
  4. Hi guys, I've read and read but still not sure about sexing bolivian rams. I bought these two rams last week. Anyone with a little more experience can help me out and tell me what i have. Thanks in advance.
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