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Posts posted by MoRia

  1. I have a rack with three tanks (and a 55 not shown). Top tank is Ziggy the Betta and middle is a shrimp & snail tank. The bottom tank (20 long) is currently being used for temporary plant storage. I'd like to scape and populate it, but I'm trying to decide what combination of planting substrate and fish would make for the best viewing. Silly, maybe, but since it's empty now, I might as well dream. Most good planting substrate is dark, which would lend itself to lighter fish, but I also like the look of the shell dweller and other cichlid tanks with lighter substrates. Suggestions? Should I do a planted tank or not? What would you put in a bottom tank? 




  2. I searched for coir or coconut fiber and didn't see anything. Does anyone know if coir liners are aquarium-safe? They're just coconut fiber and meant for lining houseplant containers, so they are plant-safe. I have a tank with river sand and aragonite substrate, but I'm not sure if that's good for growing root-feeding plants. I'm thinking I could put them in little terra cotta pots with grow substrate and place them on top of the aquarium substrate. 




  3. I second what Irene said about using Alum. I used it on a 20 gal long tank that had plants but no fish and it cleared out all the snails. . The tank is super clear, too! Alum is used in water management to clear up muddy or green water in ponds, so that makes sense. (search "alum use in waterways"). It is toxic at high concentrations and can cause pH fluctuations, so I kept fish out of that aquarium for several weeks and water changes and let the cycle recover. 


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  4. 20 hours ago, Streetwise said:

    Welcome @MoRia. I'm so happy to finally see another Vermonter on here! I live right near exit 10.

    I would encourage you to start a tank journal and show off some more photos and stories of your tanks.


    Thanks! I'm in Essex. Here are some better photos of my setup. 






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  5. I've had this little one for about four months and this is probably the third or fourth time I've seen it. 🤣 He looks a little bloated? Or is this normal? Everyone else in the community tank (55gal) are fine. Parameters: 7.2 pH, 0 ammonia/nitrite, 20 nitrates, 50ppm kH, ~300ppm dH. (I'm in the process of raising kH with aragonite.) 






  6. Hi there!

    I'm relatively new to the hobby, starting with a 10 gallon tank last Summer. Now I have 2-10 gal, 2-20 long, a 55 community tank and an empty 30 breeder in the garage. I also have one 5 gal quarantine tank in the bathroom because ... why not? Aquarium Co-op's YouTube channel and community have been incredibly helpful in the journey!  

    My current stock is:

    • 55 gallon: panda corys, harlequin rasboras, pearl danios, bn pleco, clown pleco, amanos, assassin snails, one nerite, guppies, mollies
    • 20 gallon long: galaxy rasboras, guppies, yoyo loaches, hillstream loach, cherry shrimp, amano shrimp
    • 10 gallon: betta
    • 10 gallon fish quarantine and 20 gallon plant quarantine

    I'm currently researching NW cichlids or shell dwellers (for the 30) and hope to setup a deck pond next summer. 

    See you online! 



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