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Posts posted by RegionRx

  1. I have a question for y’all: how do I move a tank from one location to another? I will be most likely moving at the end of the year, and I have a pretty heavily planted 10 gal tank with shrimp and a betta fish with sponge filter.I don’t want to disrupt the cycle (worked hard on that) for the animals and I want to make sure the plants survive. The move should only last a day. 


  2. I will be starting a planted 10gal Betta tank. I have the substrate (Fluval Stratum over potted soil), heater, and light. However, the sponge filter and water fertilizer is set to come in on Monday. I would prefer to get the tank planted this weekend (Amazon Swords, Val, Bacopa, Wisteria) Would putting the plants in before the filter arrive be okay, or should I be patient and setup everything at once? I kinda want to get a jump on cycling. I have some bacteria in a bottle and a friend is being nice enough to borrow a rock from his tank in exchange for some beer.

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