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  1. Steele


    I mustve worded it wrong. I had 6 original pseudomugil gertrudae aru 4. Got the 12 rasboras a few weeks later and then got 12 new regular pseudomogul last week. No issues with any fish besides the original 6. When this male passes away I'll only have a female from the original 6. Ever since losing the first few I've tested parameters everyday, so I know that's not the issue.
  2. Steele


    Whatever it is seems to kill a fish every week or two from my first batch of pseudomugil gertrudae. I haven't lost any dwarf emerald rasbora or any of my new batch of pseudomogul gertrudae but only had these for about a week. I shouldn't have purchased my new ones when I did, but we all make mistakes. It's all about prevention now since it's too late, so I figured dose tge marcyn 2 when I get it to heal any fish with the underlying issue. Does that sound smart?
  3. Steele


    Thank you for the response. I ordered some maracyn 2. I plan on doing the dosing regime on the packet for it since unfortunately I think it may be too late for this little guy by the time I get it. I'm thinking the maracyn 2 will at least cure any underlying issues in the remaining inhabitants in the tank. Any input on that would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Steele


    I was wondering what you guys think this may be. I posted a few weeks ago about my pseudomugil gertrudae slowly dying off. Becoming discolored and lethargic. Went two weeks without losing another and here another one is sick. I pulled him out and put him in a cup for examination. Do you guys think this is dropsy? I treated the tank the other day with expel p thinking it may be an internal parasite, but now looking at him and his scales raised up I'm thinking dropsy? What do you guys think and how should I treat the tank to prevent other casualties? He is also moving his mouth a bit fast but not gulping at rhe surface. TiA
  5. I appreciate all your advice on the matter and yoy sticking with me throughout the questions. I will change my mixing method and only make my ro water ahead of time and just just remineralize the day of water changes.
  6. So you think the method I put would work fine?
  7. Let me know what you think of this plan. I'll keep my jugs filled with just pure ro. Day before my WC I'll add the remineralizer to the ro water shake it up. Day of water change throw heater and circulation pump in to mix more and aerate 2 hours before WC.
  8. Sorry to spam. I just cannot find any information saying it's bad to premix and store remineralized ro water in sealed containers. Could you explain a bit more when time
  9. Are you also saying that I can premix it like I'm doing, but just throw an airstone in the jug an hour or so before the water changes?
  10. I wonder if saltwater and freshwater have yhe same affects when mixed.
  11. Interesting. I have no issues with my other tank that has cherry shrimp and pheonix rasbora and never had issues with my old gudgeons tank but ill look into it.
  12. I would say usually a week or so in those blue 5 gallon jugs you can get at Walmart. I just refill em with my ro unit and mix right in there.
  13. I actually use RO remineralized water as my tap is terrible. I feed a mix of northfin flake, frozen cyclops, and Hikari micro pellets. Everyone eats completely normal and is very active. No issues whatsoever with ant rasboras or shrimp in the tank.
  14. I water change about 5-10% a week. It's a 40 gallon with a picture attached. I feed once a day about 2 hours after the light comes on. Definitely enough to fill all the fish up. I ordered 10 from Dan's fish coming in next week. Thinking about maybe bringing my male to my LFS. You think that may be the call here?
  15. So you're saying that's most likely the issue with my pseudomugil? I should probably just rehome him?
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