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  1. Thank you all for the responses. All the info I was gathering/getting kept pointing towards nuking the tank, canister etc with bleach and I did not want to go that route especially for my situation. But I started getting paranoid that what if the diseases really do stay in the gravel, canister filter etc. Long time follower of Cory/Aquarium Co-Op on YouTube. Guess I should have known better and come ask here first. Will do from now on 😃 Thanks again.
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm sure the answer will depend on what kind of disease situation you are dealing with but my question is, for diseases like ich, wasting disease and other common diseases, when you treat with meds (let's say the med trio) should you clean everything (tank, deco, gravel, filter etc) with bleach etc or is that only in extreme cases when a disease has hit hard? And if you don't nuke the tank, will the med trio also kill anything that may be in the gravel, filter etc? Hope that makes sense.
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