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Posts posted by HarleyJohnson17

  1. Well I been dozing full dose! The ich appears to be gone, only thing I’m concerned with is my catfish whiskers have gotten short! 😏😏 and idk what to do.   How long should I treat?? 

  2. Hello, I have a pitcus catfish. I’ve had it maybe two weeks now, in the last week I’ve been treating ich with ICH X. It’s whiskers have gotten shorter. I know this isn’t a good sign right? What should I do! Will it be ok!!? 😩😩  it’s still having pretty normal behavior 

    thanks 😊 

  3. Okay thank yall! I just ordered it so let’s pray about it! 💕 won’t be here till Monday or so.. what can I do in the mean time??  I saw earlier my parrots have acquired some spots 😭

  4. Hello, my two pitcus catfish have ich! Idk what to do! I plan to get ich x but do I dose half or whole dose... is that what I should get? Also in the tank is blood parrots, and black skirt tetra. No signs on them! I have snails but they can be removed if need be. Please help! Thank you so much 😊  sorry for bad picture , fast little things lol 


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