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  1. I have the possible opportunity to acquire a 55 gallon from a friend, and I need ideas. It's 24x24 (not sure of the depth). I'm relatively new to the hobby, and I'm loving all that I have learned from keeping two separate bettas. One is in a 3 gallon. One is in a 5 gallon. I have just recently started live plants....anubias nana, java fern, amazon sword, pink flamingo crypt, banana plant so far. I have been researching all things 55. It's a bit overwhelming. I would love to see pictures of your 55 gallon, and tell me what you have in them. I really want beautiful color, easy, low maintenance, and peaceful. I'm looking into angelfish (although I'm on well water. Not sure how that would go). Or, maybe a really colorful cichlid tank. I really love discus, but I'm pretty sure they are out of my league. Thanks!
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