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Posts posted by Opie3001

  1. I have a canaster filter and a air sponge filter and a baby groot air stone in there. Both air ones are turned up so there is alot of air.

    I am also about to put in carbon in the canaster to filter anything out.

    I would think with two air stones it should be ok???

  2. I lost 9 fish in one night and I am not sure what I did wrong.


    I had a fish with one Redeye Tetra pop eye. So I added some API Melafix and API Stress Coat+ and API Aquarium Salt. All meds per the box but I was light on the salt part. One tablespoon per 7 gallons. The box says one per 5 gallons

    Did that early in the day. 

    I watched them all day and everyone seemed ok.

    I was more worried about all the snails and plants but not the fish.

    This is stuff I have done before.


    Well this morning I found 9 dead fishy's. My two Danios, two Siamese algae eaters, two pink tetras and rest were smaller tetras.

    I have no clue what I did wrong. These fish have been in this tank for 3 to 4 years. The tank is heavily planted looks like a jungle.

    Tested the water yesterday and again this morning when I found them nothing wrong.

    Plants look great even the snails all seem on and look good. 

    So I took out the bodys and did a huge close to a 100% water change and now I am waiting.


    Oh by the way the red eye tetra with the pop eye is still alive and seems ok so far.

    There are about 20 other fish in the 75 gal tank.


    Water Parameters:

    • pH = 7.2
    • Nitrates = 10 or less
    • Hardness = 150 ppm
    • Nitrite = 0
    • Ammonia = 0
    • KH/Buffer = 120 ppm
    • Water Temperature = 77
  3. I checked the CO2 and turned it down a bit. The other tiny puffer and the two big ones seem ok when I can find them. They tend to hid in the plants alot.

    Only the baby puffers were gulping at the top and then only for a few mins.

    No smell to the tank. 

    I cannot find the sick one this morning but I will keep looking.

    Thank you guys for your help.

  4. I have a 55 gal tank, heavily planted (lots of hiding places), CO2, High light, one HOB and 2 sponge air powered filters. It has two older pea puffers that are just fine and have been in there for months. Also I have ghost shrimp in there.

    • pH = 7.6
    • Nitrates = 0
    • Hardness = Not sure but it is hard. Well water.
    • Nitrite = 0
    • Ammonia = 0
    • KH/Buffer = Not sure
    • Water Temperature = 75 to 78ish

    Wife wanted to add more puffers. So she bought 3 that seemed strong and ok. Took my time putting them in the tank. 

    Put them in a bowl and added a bit of tank water a little at a time for over an hour. Made sure the temp was the same.

    One was swimming strong then just floated up to the top and died. I watch him do it. Seemed to be swimming strong and was covering the whole tank then just stopped and started floating to the top. 

    For a few mins all 3 new ones were at the top and seemed to be gulping for air but then the other to were fine.

    The 2nd one 4 days later (Today) started swimming in loops like a drunken sailor. I found him laying on the bottom in some dwarf hair grass. I thought he was dead but got near him he took off but then started looping around and floating about. He would dart sometimes but for the most part seems to be floating not swimming. He is still alive (I think they blend in great in this tank) but he sure is not acting right and I am worried about the little guy.

    The 3rd seems ok right now.

    This is not the first time we have had issues with Puffers doing the odd swimming loopy thing and they normally just die but I want to know what is making them do this. 

    Love pea puffers and I built this big tank with them in mind. The two bigger ones hide a lot but seem to like it. It is packed with snails.

    Anyone have any clue what I could have wrong? Is there anything I could do to help the little guy. 

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