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  1. I posted here a couple of days ago that I thought my fish had ich but now after more research im confident it is epistylis (the pic I posted) , because the white dots are different sizes and not flat to the body.

    I already started treating for ich but reading online it does say ich treatments do not work for epistylis.

    should I stop ich treatment do water change and treat with something else?

    I only have access to seachem, tropical ,tetra and aquasafe products

    any advice appreciated!



    in the tank is

    3 bristlenose (all have the white spots)

    endlers (no spots but clamped fins on some)

    neo shrimp (all good)

    wayer parameters

    Ammonia 0

    nitrite 0

    nitrate 10

    ph 7.8



  2. On 11/12/2021 at 6:21 PM, Fish Folk said:

    So… heat may only cause the Ich to go through its life cycle faster, rather than really cure it altogether. Are you planning to use a chemical treatment as well, such as Ich-X, or Rid-Ich?

    What temperature are your fish currently at? My experience would suggest that 86°-F is pretty hot for Endlers. If you raise slowly, Plecos may adapt alright. I’d suggest no higher than 80°-F, and use a treatment you trust. Follow instructions completely.

    Beware: if you have multiple tanks, Ich spreads easily. Do not get your fingers or supplies in the Ich-infested water, and then dunk into any other aquariums. 

    My tank is at 77f , Im just going to keep the temp at 77 and get ich-x and hope my shrimp will be ok. 

    thanks for reminding me , I have another tank right below this one.


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  3. I think I have ich in my tank , I just added 10shrimps and some plants a week ago. I was thinking It would be best to treat it with heat beacause of the shrimp.

    Will endlers , bristlenose and neo shrimps handle 86f for some time?

    how long would you recomend to keep the heat at 86f?

    water parameters

    ph 7.8

    ammonia 0

    nitrite 0

    nitrate 10-20ppm

    gh 125,3ppm

    kh 71,6ppm

    any advice appreciated



  4. My ancistrus spawned 23 october only had them a week, the male was in his cave faning the eggs so I was just going to leave them in there. He was quite busy chasing the female away when she was trying to enter the cave on 27 october I saw a little wiggler outside the cave( see video).The next day I checked on the eggs with light and saw that the male was faning but not on the eggs and the eggs had fungus on them so I pulled the eggs and they had fungus all over them.

    Is it common for the eggs to get fungus even if the male is in the cave all the time just leaving when chasing unwanted guests?

    Is it possible the male was faning in the cave just not on the eggs ?

    Can fungus happen over night? Or was this lone wiggler just lucky to have escaped the fungus

    Should I pull them next time if I want big hatch rate or does it take a few spawns for the dad to get it right?

    Any advice appreciated



  5. I got 12 pencilfish yesterday with a plan on trying to breed them. I was going to set up another smaller tank to breed them in with more plants and lower ph.

    They where super chill at the store and when they got in my tank. After being  acclimated  to my tank I tried feeding them frozen cyclops and they went crazy for it. When I checked on them this morning the males where chasing each other and the females. It looked like they where spawning but I cant see any eggs. This behavior has been going on for a few hours.

    I have read they only breed in soft acidic water but  my water is ph=7,8 , kh=3dkh and gh=53,7ppm. 

    Could they be spawning and just eating the eggs or the eggs mostly under plant leaves where it is hard to see?

    Could they spawn at this ph?

    If I put in a spawning mop and find eggs could they hatch in this ph?

    Any advice welcome.



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  6. On 10/19/2021 at 9:40 AM, Colu said:

    It doesn't look like fin rot it looks more like damage to the fins I would monitor them for now if you notice any reddening to the edge of the fins and there fin getting worse then I would treat with kanaplex or maracyn it's possible your bristlenose have been fighting that what damage the fins I would add more caves and and wood for them to hide from each other

    Thanks for the answer.

    Ive not seen them fight but have seen him chase the females away from that driftwood (maybe they fight at night). They have 3 caves and this 1 driftwood +some plants , I will try adding more caves.

    He has been diggin under that driftwood in the photo , maybe he has damage his fin on the seachem florite black substrate.

    would you suggest using salt to help the fin grow back or just wait and see?

  7. Hey guys first time posting here.

    I have a 29g tank woth 3x ancistrus and some endlers(about 8 ). I just added the ancistrus 3 days ago and noticed a damage on the fin of the male and a little bit on the smaller female.










    I have been testing the water daily since I got them(using API master kit)and it has been stable like this.

    Is this something I should be worried about  and treat with anything other than  clean water?

    I was thinking maybe it is fin rot but I dont see any discoloration on the edge of the fin.

    Any help is welcome



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