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Posts posted by PrairieLara

  1. On 11/8/2021 at 12:16 PM, Zenzo said:

    It could be a minor bacterial infection that was caused by a small injury. You can treat it with something like Fritz Maracyn, or some aquarium salt if meds are not available to you. I hope that it heals up quickly. 

    Thank you! 😊 all I knew was that it wasn't ick. Thanks for your help! 

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  2. Good morning,  I'm looking for help with my black moor. I noticed his tail has a white (something) hanging off it and the white discoloration seems to run back up the fin in a line. It wasn't there yesterday. He also seems a bit derpy...not swimming quite as happily. Has anyone seen this before? You guys probably know more than google:)  He is eating fine. I pay attention to water parameters, variety of foods, etc. I added two new plants on the weekend, but that is the only thing I've done that is not routine. Hmm. Thanks for taking the time to read this post. 

    Oops. Here is a pretty blurry picture of what I mentioned about his tail. 


  3. It wasn't long after I posted that I couldn't find him again. Haven't seen him all day. I'm thinking he was breakfast for somebody. Aw. But hey, I know now that the gaara rufas are happy. I'm going to follow your lead and have a breeder box on hand so next time I can move them as soon I see them. Thanks for weighing in and the advice. 

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  4. My gaara rufas had a baby! Well, maybe more than one, but I can only see one at a time hanging out. 

    Tons of questions running through my mind, but mainly, "Now what"? 

    This is so exciting and at the same time reaffirming since I'm new to gaara rufas and I know that fish don't breed unless they're happy. 

    Would love for experienced fish keepers to weigh in with advice for keeping this little guy alive and thriving. 

    Was thinking about making a breeder box for when this guy is a bit bigger so the goldfish don't eat him. Right now he's successfully hiding on a decorative bubbler designed to look like coral or rock. Lots of hidey holes. 

    No pictures posted because he's so small and translucent. 


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  5. Hi folks! First post here. Just wanted to share a small victory I had with my Gaara Rufa. I had bought one a few weeks ago at the suggestion of my local fish shop as a cleaner fish in my goldfish tank. Well, at first I thought it was super active, but then from research I realized he was stressed and glass surfing. I found out that they need to be in groups so I bought two more. Since then, I haven't seen him surfing and even chilling out with the other Gaaras a little bit. Lots of great grazing behaviors. 

    Thank you to everyone who posts good info on this forum. I'm so glad I found it. Unfortunately, sometimes you only get half-information from the pet store. Cory once said that every tank is an experiment, but I would add that with good info like you can find here, it doesn't have to be at the expense of your creatures. 

    Any other Gaara Rufa lovers out there? I'd love to hear your adventures with these little guys. 

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