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Posts posted by Jenniferag29

  1. I'll have to go back to the store and get something for ammonia cause the test kit I have doesn't test for that.

    I know this water nutralizer stuff I bought does detoxify chlorine...not sure about the other so I'll check

    Oh...the gravel are just different colors of pebbles? I know certain things like crushed corals and stuff mess with the levels but I think it's just pebbles

    I really appreciate all of the help! My heart goes out to these poor little fish 

  2. So I tested my tap water and it's about 120 for gh, kh, ph is about 7 and nitrite/nitrate are either 0 or .5 ....hard to tell.

    I've lost 2 more guppies.... after buying several products at the store like more healthy bacteria, water "nutralizer" and ph-down....nothing has worked..... my gh and kh are still at least 180 if not higher and my ph is still over 8..... nitrite and nitrate and still about 0-0.5..... 


    I'm not sure what else to do.  I added an API water softener pillow to the filter last night and another guppy died this afternoon.  

    I don't want to even try adding plants in yet cause that's a whole other thing to worry about and they'll probably just die anyway.

    Do any fish stores take fish back?? I don't want them all just to suffer and die in there

  3. Hello!

    I am a brand new fish tank owner! I have a 40 gallon tank with freshwater.  I'm trying to figure everything out as I go which isn't the best but I'm trying to make due with allllll the information that is out there!

    I have about 13 fish.  Currently 2 (friendly) angelfish with some guppies and 2 black and white spotted fish (I don't know what kind!) I had a yoyo loach but it sadly died. I have been told that they are all pretty friendly fish that work well together.

    I have some decorations and 1 driftwood log (that has already turned the water brown) due to the tannins. 

    I did a water test and my gh and kh are at like 180! and My ph is reading about 8.5 which I know is high!

    I'm hearing that spraghnum moss is great for lowering ph naturally but the only kind I can find says "for terrarium" on it and only talks about frogs/lizards..... is this still the correct one to use? 

    I have an aqarium place coming to my house tomorrow to help me! I hope the fishies survive! 


    I have some PH down chemicals but have been told not to use those due to them potentially being harmful. I also have some water "nutralizer" that I'm not sure if I should be using. 

    I know the tank was jump started with the healthy bacteria and water conditioner. 

    It currently has a Topfin filter system with heater. 


    Thanks for any advice you might have for me 🙂 

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