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  1. Hi everybody, I'm relatively new to the hobby, but I have been having a blast making small, filterless planted tanks. I want to go bigger, however, and I don't want to shell out money for giant glass aquariums. I was intrigued by the giant black bins that Cory has in his shop and would love to get some of my own to fill with plants and algae and goldfish and such. Keeping goldfish is a dream of mine, and I want to give them the space to get big! The thing is, I have no idea where to look. Does anyone have any experience in this area/know what brand Cory uses for his shop? Here are some questions I have: Will any plastic bin work from Home Depot work, or should I buy something specifically made to stock with fish? Do I need to buy bins that won't deteriorate in sunlight/the weather (if I decide to keep them outside)? Can bins be toxic to fish? Any information you guys have would be much appreciated. Thank you so much for reading.
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