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Posts posted by Antic

  1. Thank you for the information!! I am planning on getting some lava rock to put in the hang on the back filter. Would it be possible to plant plants in the rock to reduce nitrate? I also put in FLUVAL Bug Bites in the water. Should that get the Ammonia up?

    Also, do you recommend any more chemicals or such I should get for the tank? 

  2.      Hey everyone! I am pretty new to this and decided to try to set up a Betta tank and I decided to go with API Quick Start, API Stress Coat+ as well as getting the API Freshwater Master Test Kit. I have the filter on and I am a little confused on getting the cycle started. I will be getting Lava Rock for the filter within two days (I do not have the fish yet) and I know that it will hep me in the process and in the future. I put the recommended amount from each bottle into the tank (5 US Gallons) and after a couple of days and the Ph is around 7.0-7.2, Ammonia is around .25ppm because it is a tad lime green but at some angles it looks like the regular Yellow 0ppm, 0ppm Nitrite and 10-20ppm of Nitrate. 

         I do not know if the cycle has started or not... but I am pretty sure it has not started because I measured my regular tap water and it gave around the same readings of the Nitrate. Any tips?



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