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  1. I stumbled upon this post and thought I’d share a couple screenshots and how I’m also using Home Assistant for my fish tank. I’ve had a few fish cooked by malfunctioning heaters in the past so I enlisted Home Assistant to help me catch this from occurring again. I know they make alarms for this purpose, but I’m cheap and always enjoy a good project. I was already using Home Assistant for various automations in my home so this was a logical choice. I purchased a cheap temperature probe and used a spare ESP32 board I had laying around to create a sensor. Total cost was under $10 for the temperature sensor and board if I recall correctly. All I had to do was hook up a few wires to the pins on the ESP32, flash ESPHome on the ESP32 and make a few updates in YAML. If you have moderate technical skills, I’d say this is very achievable. The real advantage here is the automation I setup in Home Assistant to alert me via text message if the temperature is out of range. I’ve used a smart power strip for years to control my lights. By plugging my heater into the power strip I’m able to turn off the heater remotely if I receive an alert from the automation. The power strip also measures voltage and current so it’s also fun to display the power consumption on the dashboard. You may also notice the led backlight in the pictures. I figured if everyone is putting them on the back of TV’s it might also look good on a fish tank. This is also controlled through Home Assistant using WLED installed on a D1 Mini ModeMCU. For my next project I’d like to put a similar sensor together for the above ground pond I keep during the summer. I’m planning to put two temperature sensors on the ESP32 board to monitor air temp and water temp. I’m really just curious to see how the temperatures differ over the course of the summer. Below are a few screenshots of my tank, the sensor, and basic Home Assistant dashboard. Silver thing is the temperature probe in my tank This is the ESP32 board with the sensor attached. I should probably make a case for it. Someday I'll splurge on a 3D printer. This is my very basic "fish" tab in my Home Assistant dashboard. I just did a water change so you can see the temperature climbing, and the heater consuming a good amount of power.
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