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Allen Anderson

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Posts posted by Allen Anderson

  1. I agree with the Ottocinclus recommendation. They don't grow large like plecos and are peaceful unlike Chinese Algae Eaters. They are hard to find in CA, technically they can't be imported here, but sometimes LFS will have some. I don't know how cause as far as I know no one's been able to breed them in captivity.

  2. Yeah I'd keep my current one Steph, but I bought a BioWheel HoB when I first setup my aquarium... the wheel always stops fact. Also the cubed off intake piping isn't as easy to add a pre-filter to so I'm just gonna burn 40 bucks and vastly improve my filtration. I like how aquaclear set theirs up to be ultra customizable and maximize their effectiveness.

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  3. I've just never used their products before till I watched that filter optimization video made me interested in their HOBs. So I only searched for them in the last couple days and every site Amazon, Petco, PetSmart, smaller online stores still all picture the old non-fluval aquaclear products/packaging.

    So has the "Fluval AquaClear 20" been changed in size/dimensions/operation? Does anyone know for sure? Cause I can't figure it out searching online, no one pictures the new fluval packaging/products. Can't even find an article on Fluval buying AquaClear.

    Are they still as good as they used to be? Or should I now avoid these products?

  4. I recently attempted to order an AquaClear 20 filter with extra sponge as suggested in filter optimization video as well as ceramic rings...

    The thing is the actual filter was out of stock not delivered so were the bio-rings. All I received was a single AquaClear 20 sponge... but the box is labeled FLUVAL with a little tiny picture of how the box was pictured previously stating "Formerly" above the image of the original AquaClear packaging.

    Has Fluval bought out AquaClear? Seems so. Did they or are they changing the filter dimensions, function, operation,.. etc...??

    The 20 gallon sponge seems mighty tiny to me and doesn't measure up to dimensions labeled on original AquaClear 20 sponges.

    Wondering if I should now avoid acquiring a now "Fluval formerly AquaClear HOB 20 Filter"

    Any advice? I couldn't find any news on the company being bought out...

  5. I just had to come on here and commend you on your service via your online ordering system. I put in an order last night whilst your store was obviously closed. I get an email 10 AM this morning every single item your site listed as in stock was actually in stock and is already shipped and on its way.

    I did the exact same process above ordering at night online whilst two different stores were closed. Bought items they listed as in stock. The next day after they've already fully charged my card for all items ordered I find out through my own effort that those items weren't actually in stock or they sold them to in store buyers before pulling my order off the shelf and setting it aside for me. 

    The first store was PetSmart my local same city store. Ordered for in store pickup same day about $50 worth of stuff. I call 4 hours later when I'm able to go pick it up and am informed my orders been cancelled as they sold the item before I came in. Employee stated it takes 3+ hours for them to get informed of an online order via some middle man company. Same thing happened with my local PetCo ordered at night, get an email next day after being fully charged that the items I ordered weren't actually in stock or once again they sold them before fulfilling my purchase.

    Great work at actually tracking your inventory and honoring your online orders. I will never ever attempt to purchase anything from a big box pet store going forward. Also I just don't like Jeff Bezos so really appreciate you guys, your work, and especially all your informational videos.

    Best Regards,
    Allen Anderson 

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