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Posts posted by TXJagwar

  1. @ Ken the green is a later state of the infection.  The ich-x soaked (all the way to the center) shrimp food is what kills the inside parasite in theory.  If this works for me then I plan to feed all the shrimp in my tank ich-x soaked food for about 6 months that should in theory break the cycle of the parasite.  Again we shall see.

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  2. Sometimes a name gets used by accident and it sticks.  For example I live in Texas and there are lots of Czech people here and they brought with them from the homeland the Kolache which is a fruit spread centered pastry.  But someone put a pig in a blanket and called it a Kolache and now the name has stuck.  So in most urban places in Texas when you order a kolache you are going to get a pig in a blanket.  The Czech name for a pig in a blanket is a klobasneks.

    I digress,

    Ellobiosidae according to the article and the articles it cites is described this way

    1) The Parasite is most often found on the top of the shrimp (he included a photo of this)

    2) Nothing noting the external greenness


    Cladogonium ogishimae according to the article and the articles it cites is described this way

    1) Stays on the bottom of the shrimp

    2) The external part becomes green


    So like my example of Kolache, I believe that what most people are calling Ellobiosidae actually have is shrimp with Cladogonium ogishimae The reason is that it first was misdiagnosed as Ellobiosidae and that was used so long with photos of shrimp with Cladogonium ogishimae that Ellobiosidae has stuck as the name.   In sort of the same way as the name "Galaxy Rasbora" was used for a long time, but come to find it is not a Rasbora but a Danio.  Currently it is slowly becoming known as a Celestial Pearl Danio, but people still use the name Galaxy Rasbora.  I may totally be wrong about the name but it doesn't matter as the saying goes, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"

    What does matter is successful methods of getting rid of it what ever its.  

    • Haha 1
  3. I noticed one of my shrimp also have this.  Although it seems we might be getting the parasites' name wrong as it might be Cladogonium ogishimae instead of Ellobiopsidae.  This article explains it well.


    That said, if it is the Cladogonium ogishimae as the previous link makes me think it is, then I plan to do a one, two punch.  Let me explain why.

    1. The growth on the bottom of the shrimp makes it hard for them to maneuver and eat plus it probably doesn't feel good either.  This over time wears them out and helps to kill them.

    2. The root of the parasite is past the shell and is sucking nutrients from the shrimp preventing them from healing and becoming healthy 

    So what is the one two punch?    (1) Salt bath and (2) shrimp food soaked in ich solution, dried out, fed to the shrimp.

    Why these two methods?     It seems that a salt bath kill off the green growth allowing the shrimp to move around again and begin to heal, but doesn't seem to kill off the whole parasite.  The part under the shell.  Since that part is stealing nutrients I am going through the shrimps gut to get to it.

    Why do I think they will work?    First I am not totally sure they will that is why I am going to test it on the infected shrimp I have but here are my sources that lead me to believe this will work


    Examples of the Ich solution soak: 

    1)  See the first link (above) and read at the bottom of the article

    2)  Link to video check at minute 3:17.  


    Examples about the salt bath:

    1)  https://www.plantedtank.net/threads/how-i-cured-green-gungus-ellobiopsidae-neocaridina-parasite.1248321/

    2)  Link to video and shows the result  (shows the effectiveness but not the medicinal ratio)


    What if none of this works?  Then I will try the Methylene blue method.

    1)  https://amateurshrimper.blogspot.com/2019/08/cladogonium-ogishimae-commonly-known-as.html


    I will let you know my results.  Wish me luck!

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