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Posts posted by JacobB

  1. Thanks for the reply. Do you think kanaplex would work as well? I already have some. 
    What’s weird is that the fish doesn’t seem to be acting sick. It has survived for over a month with the white lumps staying about the same size. I would think the infection or rot would have spread more and killed it instead of it regrowing a fin. 

  2. About a month or so ago I noticed one of my tetras was missing half of its tail fin. There was also a white lump at the base of its tail fin (almost looked like a bone was sticking out) and a white lump at the base of its top fin. The tail fin eventually started to regrow but the lumps remained. Yesterday I noticed that the other half of the tail fin is now gone and now only the regrowing one remains. Does anyone know what this could be? I attached a picture of the tetra.




  3. Hello,

    I made the mistake of adding otos to my 10 gallon betta aquarium without quarantining them. The otos ended up having ich so I have been treating with ich x for the past 8 days (1 tsp every 24 hours with 30% water changes). The fish look a lot better but some of the otos still have a few spots on their fins and body. I thought ich x would be able to fully treat ich within a week and now I'm worried that this treatment may not be enough. I also don't want to treat this tank too long because I've heard this medication could be dangerous. Do you guys have any advice on what I should do?

    Also some of my otos are developing white patches on their head behind their eyes and I am unsure what this is. I attached a picture of one of the otos. Could this be caused by the ich or medication? What is it? Thanks for your help.

    oto - Copy.jpg

  4. I've got 5 zebrafish and 1 red minor tetra. My betta seems to get along with the zebras because he's not bothered when they are swimming right next to him. The tetra may be the problem, but it is strange because it is usually the betta that occasionally chases the tetra. I've never really seen the tetra be aggressive towards the betta.

    I do a 50% water change once a week. Might consider doing more. Maybe I should move the tetra to another tank too and see how the betta does. I want to avoid medicating again because I'm not sure if this is fin rot.

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  5. Here is a picture of my betta currently. It looks like the fins are deteriorating only on one fin. Could this be due to nipping or is this some type of fin rot? Also the fins are still clear around the edges and I'm not sure if this is healthy. Can someone confirm what this is based on the photo? Thanks

    betta - Copy.jpg

  6. Hi,

    Sorry for the late reply. I ended up treating my betta with Maracyn and ich x for the recommended time and I didn't notice any improvements but his fins stayed the same. I assumed that it wasn't fin rot because he was acting healthy and his fins didn't respond to any treatment. I decided to put him back into the community and he seems happy and healthy but his fins are still ragged. After a few weeks I noticed that his fins are receding more and I'm not sure what to do. I don't know if I should treat him again because it makes him kinda depressed. I keep the water quality good in the community tank so I don't know what could cause this. Maybe its possible it is normal for a betta to lose some of its fins over time?

  7. Hi,

    I think my betta fish has a mild case of fin rot and I was wondering if the aquarium co-op method of using a single dose of ich-x and maracyn is effective.

    I added my betta a couple months ago into an established (about 9 months old) 10g tank with 3 zebra danios, a red minor tetra, and a snail. About 3 weeks ago I decided to add 3 more zebra danios because one was killed by the other 2. About 2 weeks ago I noticed my betta's fins were getting clearer and more ragged around the edges. I suspect that adding the extra zebras may have stressed my betta and started the fin rot. I tested my water and it had 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrites, and 20ppm nitrates. 

    I moved my betta into a hospital bowl and treated him for over a week with aquarium salt and daily water changes, gradually increasing the dose to 3tsp per gallon. This seemed to slow down the sickness but it looked like it was still getting worse. My betta seems to be acting healthy minus the look of his fins but I didn't want to take any chances so I decided to go with a stronger treatment. I watched the aquarium co-op video on how to treat fin rot and decided to try this method.

    Here are a few current pics of him sorry for the bad quality. To me it seems like his fins are slowly losing color and receding. Its more noticeable on his top fin. I'm still not 100% sure this is fin rot because his fins are not completely deteriorating but they do seem like they have gotten worse over the past 2 weeks. Do you guys think this is fin rot and I should keep treating it?

    I have just moved my betta to a hospital 10g with a heater and bubbler and added 1 packet of Maracyn and 1 tsp of Ich-X. I guess my question is will a single dose of each med be enough for a week of treatment? I'm asking this because both medicines say to dose daily throughout the treatment and I haven't found much information online of whether the aquarium co-op approach works. I want to be able to treat my betta within this week because I will be going out of town soon and it will be a little harder to have someone else treat him when I'm gone.

    Thank you for any help or advice.




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