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Posts posted by DipDingle

  1. I bought a new tank! I've wanted to treat myself with a rimless for a while. I've had aspirations to put a lot of energy into aquascaping a tank for the past 4-6 months but hadnt bought the bullet yet.

    Previously, I had built two 4 foot aquarium tables for the fish room. I mostly hobbled together 5 and 10 gallon tanks that I had found on the side of the road. Well, I was at the fish store and saw this weird sized tank that seems perfect. 4ftx 14inx14in. It both fit my table and seemed like a good tank to get some rainbowfish! Hoping to put some Rhads in here after I can verfiy that this tank would be a good fit for them.

    I've ordered a fluval 3.0, some new input/outputs for an ehiem filter I've had and will be hardscape shopping/planning over the next few weeks. Super EXCITED : ) Will keep yall posted




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