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Posts posted by Nayoni

  1. @coru  Thank you so much for the advice I know it’s too late for the Coreys but I’m hoping it’s not too late for the Betos I will take any advice and try it I have nothing to lose I really appreciate your experienced opinion thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and try to help me thank you. And I was three days in to my second course of marycin 2 when they started dying back to back one after another this morning. It was crazy one would fall on its side and start dying and I would pull it out and put it in the clover oil to put it to sleep and another one would fall over and I would pull it out and then another one it was just back to back literally I mean no time in between just back to back they were dying one by one I still have my betas and I’m still medicating and I’m doing salt and medication tonight I am going to keep fighting the good fight until I can’t anymore

  2. @coru  Thank you so much for the advice I know it’s too late for the Coreys but I’m hoping it’s not too late for the Betos I will take any advice and try it I have nothing to lose I really appreciate your experienced opinion thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and try to help me thank you

  3. I’ve already done that and two rounds of marycin 2 and the Coreys were literally one after another flipping over and dying right in front of me this morning all 12 it’s like they went in the line 1st it was three at once and then they were just go in one at a time every time I put one down euthanize another one would flip over on its back and start dying I did everything I could I thought the good fight for weeks and I lost. But I do have my betas they’re on their second round of medicine and I do use Epsom salt to draw out the fluid I was told that it looks like they have dropsy and from what I’ve read I believe they have dropsy but I refuse to euthanize them at this time I’m trying to give them any fighting chance that they have first

  4. Update I monitored my Corydoras tank and literally one at a time they were turning over on their back’s and dying so I sat and watched the tank and each time one started to go I carefully put it to sleep first in a container with dechlorinated water in a few drops of clove oil  and waited a few minutes to make sure they were asleep and then continued euthanizing with A few more jobs a clove oil.  if anyone uses this method please only do a couple drops first in the chlorinated water and carefully put your dying fish in it allow them five minutes sometimes ten to be fully asleep before you put a few more drops of clove oil in to overdose( if you do not wait until they are sleep completely they will panic and it will be a very scary and volatile death for the fish) so if you use this method of euthanizing your fish and only when necessary please make sure they’re asleep first and make sure that they are 100% dying. I had 12 Corydoras. 10 babies 2 adults. And as soon as I would get one asleep in the glow oil another one with turnover and was dying. It’s a terrible day for me. I loved my beloved Corydoras and this was the hardest thing I have had to do. Please if you allow anyone to watch ur fish for any amount of time make sure you tell them to wash their hands befire feeding or anything with your tanks and to keep their hands out of the tanks and any water that goes in them. I feel Clove oil is the most humane way to euthanize bc ur simply putting them to sleep first kind of like when humans go under anesthesia and they don’t fight it they literally swim around a couple times and go to sleep and after five or 10 minutes when you overdose them they don’t even know it happened there’s no thrashing there’s no panicking or fighting they just go. I do however still have my two Betos they don’t seem like they’re in this bad of condition I do know Fisher good at hiding illnesses I will try to post some better pictures and see what you guys think I am nowhere near ready to euthanize these two fish after 12 Corredor‘s it’s a very sad day in my house right now so thank you all for the support and advice and any advice on my betas I love them so much and I just if there’s any chance to save them please let me know I will spend any amount of money on any medicine I will do anything. Thank you image.jpg.d68a4a34aab92b015917539def4a2d4e.jpgimage.jpg.a97ca078b6470f357884ca611ee40d95.jpgimage.jpg.a97ca078b6470f357884ca611ee40d95.jpgimage.jpg.a97ca078b6470f357884ca611ee40d95.jpgimage.jpg.d68a4a34aab92b015917539def4a2d4e.jpgimage.jpg.b3b5049d377d12273efd1ac607cb6a1a.jpgimage.jpg.5613b552342f7041b90b0ff516053d8a.jpgToimage.jpg.edd769308a7d4109a839589e143ae4f2.jpg🙏🏽 



  5. First of all thank you all so much for looking at the pictures and taking the time to let me know your opinions on treatments I have  done water changes I have ammonia indicators I have tested my water parameters and they’re all fine there’s no ammonia in any of my tanks. I have the indicators inside the tank I also used aquarium co-op test strips for the parameters in the ammonia and I also used the API liquid test to kit for ammonia again no ammonia   I use RO water so it’s not tapwater I have sponge filters and I started running a canister filter on the Corydoras tank as well. All I know is I’ve never had snails in my tank so if someone’s seen snails I haven’t seen them and I’ve only had one plant in that tank with theCorydoras and it was an OCTO plant that I got from aquarium co-op and there were no snails or pests in that plant  I quarantine my plants for two weeks before they go in any tank. I’ve never seen dropsy I have two Betos the one blue one in the picture his whole back is swollen and it’s almost in an arch like a frown it seems as if his whole body is swollen I haven’t tried salt in the beta tanks but I will do that I was careful with the Corydoras tank because they are a scale is fish so I just used Epsom salt because there’s no actual salt in it I tried to give one of them a salt bath and they couldn’t make it five minutes and it started to get weak and lifeless. My friend did tell me that he had put his fingers in all the tanks and in buckets of water that he was mixing minerals and stuff in before he put it in the tanks so he contaminated every single tank that I have with all of this stuff I feel awful because I’ve never had a death not even a shrimp and so far I have lost four of my precious Corydoras two of my pom-pom crabs and 36 shrimp I’ve had two of those Corydoras that died since I started in the hobby and the two betas I have I’ve had since I started the hobby. And he has contaminated and spread this throughout all of my tanks all of my tanks were crystal clear they are all heavily planted except a Corydoras tank just had the one big OCTO plant I really do you take the best care of my water in my fish every day I am checking and changing water and making sure they have the best of everything these answers I appreciate them so much they do make me sad and I’m losing a little bit of help because I’ve been fighting it for a couple weeks now with medications I do have parasite medicationI keep all medications on hand I was concerned about overloading all the fish with so many medications at once I did treat for Ick. I did two rounds of ick treatment first first. I did one round of parasite treatment and I’ve been doing Maracin oxy and now Maracin 2 I’m on the second round of I am three days into it. 
    I will try everything suggested if someone could just direct me on what I should do next because I’m afraid to do all of these treatments at once I’m afraid it would be too much for the fish but it’s not just a Corydoras it’s also my two Betas. I got a look closer because I’ve never had snails in any of my tanks so I got to look in the Corredor tank and see if I see what you see I feel like there’s so many things wrong that all hope is lost at this point should I just treat with every medication at once or is there an order that you guys would suggest that I go in? Again I really do appreciate the information and advice from more experienced hobbyist I’ve only been in the hobby for a year this is the first time I’ve ever had a problem and I know it will be the last time I ever allow someone else to watch my fish for a weekend this all was caused by letting a friend take care of my fish for three days and their fingers in my tanks I’m trying not to be upset with them but I thought it was common sense that you do not put your hands in your fishtanks unless they are clean so next I would ask you guys with your experience so please advise what order I should do these treatments and now what’s the first thing I should do should I do A full water change on all of the tanks and then what medications should I go with I have one Corredor a tank and then two separate beta tanks I have to treat a total of 14 fish. So please advise which treatment you start with first and we can start all over or should I just try all of them at once I know that I follow the directions on the packaging that you guys probably know a better way to do this than what the packaging says as you’re way more experience than me so I really appreciate your experience and advice and I would love to get more of it if you wouldn’t mind taking the time I would love to save as many fish as I can if it all possible thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from you guys again on where I should go from Doing a water change today I’m just going to go ahead and do a large water change on all three tanks and wait for your guys advice on what order I should do these medications in or if I should do all at once and if it goes outside of the directions on the packaging just let me know I’m willing to try anything thank you so so much. As I was writing this post and taking pictures I turn the lights on to my tanks and I had three Corydoras on their back’s struggling to breathe that were dying so I euthanized them with clove  oil. Just a few jobs first to put him to sleep and then I put the rest in and they’re literally die in one by one in front of me right now my Betos are not dying yet but my Corydoras  are all literally  going one by one as we speak. As soon as that euthanize one another one starts dying and my heart is just breaking right now. I pray that there’s hope for my baiters but I’m afraid that there’s not you guys were right literally this morning I just wanted to time is soon as I euthanize one another one starts dying and is struggling on its back floating and I have to pull it out and euthanize it I believe at this point I’m gonna have to pull them all out and euthanize them. 
    my two betas are not acting this sick so I don’t have the heart to do it yet with them but I do see the Corydoras they can hardly get to the top to breathe air they’re all struggling so unfortunately I understand what I have to do. 
    I say this with a heavy heart. I will keep fighting for my Betos until I see that there’s no fight left so I’m still open for any advice for those two please




  6. Also I attached a picture of one of my Corydoras who has one I missing all of the sudden and the other one is just huge and black I don’t know if he’s blind but where did his eyeball go? Please excuse the algae on the coconut and would I took their plants out for medication and the medication is killing the bio filter so there’s a lot of white algae blooming right now



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  7. Hi I’m Nayoni, one year into the hobby. I left my eight fishtanks in the care of a friend and I left six pages of instructions including CO2 feeding water changes adding water the difference in adding water an a water change! Food was taped to each tank with Post-it‘s for that particular fish in a plastic baggie for every day I was gone it was three days. Portion package  I mean I had everything separated out to go perfect and smoothly. 
    A day or so after I return home from my trip I noticed that my Corydoras were not looking so well. A couple we’re having some swim bladder issues so I immediately did an epsom salt bath on the tank with  to drawl the fluid did a 85% water change I then medicated with your usual meds for a bacterial issue. Mind you at this point I used no actual real and antibiotics as of yet to right watever wrong was happening here.  anything that would be causing the swim bladder including constipation the Epsom salt helps with that as well was given for five days. I in did another water change and noticed that My Corydoras  were rubbing and itching on the sand like they had ick- I didn’t see any signs of it but they were all itching and bouncing off the sand like they had it. They looked like a bunch of Mexican jumping beans. 
    so I then commence a five day ick treatment. Water change again now I am seeing Popeye I had five baby albinos in that tank -  five juvenile bronze- one adult bronze -2 adult female albinos and one emerald. I lost my emerald -one adult female albino )whom had just laid eggs for the first time)one baby albino 2 pom-pom crabs 36 shrimp. 
    what’s worse is I have two beautiful bears and I looked in their tanks and saw that they both had Popeye three days ago which was the last day of round two of treatment on the Corydoras. I have now had to begin treatment on every tank I have  so 14 fish are under treatment right now and I am on day four of marycn 2 ,this is the second round of it , and the Popeye is getting worse in my Betos it’s getting better in my bronze Corydoras and worse in my albino Corydoras. I am at a loss and I don’t know what to do I’ve got perfect water parameters I’ve clean the tank so I’ve change the water and all of this because I found out my friend that was watching my fish while I was gone for three days put his fingers in the tanks in in the water that he put in the tanks I don’t know why he would do something like that you don’t think to tell people don’t put your fingers in the tank so I don’t know if he may have scratched here or picked his nose or not washed his hands after using the restroom and got bacteria in my tanks I don’t know all the fish are getting different sickness is it differentTimes but they’re all sick I don’t know what to do this will be around three for Corydoras - round 2 for the betas and I don’t know what to do after this course of treatment do it again? Any thoughts or anyone that has been through this or had a friend that put their fingers in every aquarium tank you have and contaminate them? I love everyone of my fishy‘s and my pom-pom crabs and my shrimpy‘s and to lose them is breaking my heart and I have spent every single day rushing back-and-forth with buckets of water sorry my electric hose doesn’t reach that far in this fish room I’ve been making myself crazy and I don’t know what to do after this round of treatment someone out there please help me? Please and thank you







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