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Posts posted by Bettakeeper86

  1. I am in need of some information, I have searched many forums and can’t seem to get a straight answer. I will be moving soon to an area with soft unstable water. PH 6.4/ KH 1dkh/ GH 2dgh, and I have never delt with soft water before. I will be looking at about 400 gallons worth of tanks in my fish room and 600 gallons of pond. I have mostly fish that need a ph of 7.4 and higher. I have watched the co-op videos and am aware that I need to use crushed coral. My questions are as follows:

    Question 1) Where could I get bulk supply of CC as I will need about 100 lbs?

    Question 2) About how long before adding my fish into the tanks should I wait for the PH/KH/GH to raise and become stable?

    Question 3) Upon doing water changes, will the parameters change and could it be harmful to my fish?

    Question 4) I saw that CC raise PH and KH but not so much GH. Do I need to add in wonder shell as well?

    Question 5) This will be the first time for me having a pond. How should I approach using CC in my pond or should I?







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  2. On 1/26/2022 at 8:22 PM, 1moretank said:

    My experience has been that plecos get caught in nets - not fun.  For baby plecos I use an old betta cup to catch them.  For big plecos, I try to pick them up when they are in a cave, or I use a plastic cup about the size of a 32 oz jar, but with a more straight neck (one from a gas station soda is a good size).  These aren't traditional shopping list items, but I find them invaluable.  For nets, I like one about 3 x 4 and a small one.  I've never had reason to use a really big one because I don't sell my fish.

    Good luck.

    Thank you, I didn’t know that plecos got caught in the nets. 

  3. On 1/26/2022 at 12:58 PM, ScottieB said:

    Wow, sounds like a great build! I’m sure we would all love to follow your progress.

    I remember live stream not that long ago someone asked Corey about nets and his response was based on what your doing with it. For catching a huge amount of fish at once a large size with a strong handle can sweep them up indiscriminately. If your trying to pull fry out or grab an individual fish then a smaller size with long handle might be better. 

    The Aquarium Coop ones with carbon fiber handle comes in 4 sizes. I would imagine the small and the large would fit most needs. 

    I also remember seeing Corey’s indoor ponds with paint strainers floating on the top as a way to separate fish like pregnant guppies? A neat idea and prob a good thing to have in a fishroom. 

    Thank you for the info. I will definitely share my progress as I go.

    • Like 1
  4. I am trying to put together a shopping list and would like to know what my best options would be in regards to the aquarium co-op nets. I am building an out door fish room with a 110 gallon pond ( moderate to heavy planted), a 20 long quarantine tank, a 20 long breeding tank ( moderate planted), two 10 gal grow out tanks, and two 5 gal tanks. I plan on keeping bristle nose plecos, corydoras, guppies, rosy red minnows, and cherry shrimp. I know that there are many factors that are involve such as fish size, tank size, volumes of plants, and I am a little lost on which nests might be best. Also would the nano net work for brine shrimp?

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  5. On 1/22/2022 at 10:57 AM, H.K.Luterman said:

    How long has the tank been set up? It might not have been totally done cycling when you added the snails. But luckily, snails are pretty hardy and can even help cycle the tank. I agree with @Struggle's suggestions.

    The pea puffer's not in the tank yet, right?

    Yes I already have the pea puffer. I think when the snails started breeding it sent the ammonia way up.

    The tank is almost 2 months running 

  6. I think we made a mistake. I set up a pea puffer tank. Once it was cycled, My wife and I added a couple of adult snails, in order to start a small colony. That way there would be food for the puffer once I got it. I left them in too long and now my water perimeters are off. 0.25 Ammonia, 0.25 Nitrite, 20 Nitrate. I have changed out the water 200%. Still nothing changed. I have hundreds of baby snails and I can’t get them all out. Every day they are creating more ammonia. What should I do?

  7. On 1/12/2022 at 10:21 AM, bettta999 said:

    you can put gold fish i had them in cold and extremly hot like 35 c in the water on a very hot day

    Thank you


    On 1/12/2022 at 10:33 AM, s1_ said:

    Check out goliad farms on youtube

    I will check them out

  8. Does anyone have any information or resources for setting up an out door fish room? I live in Texas and the weather is all over the place. Temperature ranges from the 30’s to over 100, sometimes within just a day or two. I plan on building a small pond but for now just a few tanks.

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  9. The tank is about 3 months old. Normally I run at 5 ppm. I test Wednesday and Saturday. My test was at 5 ppm nitrate on Wednesday. Today Ph at 7.8, KH at 4, GH at 5, nitrite at 0 ppm, ammonia at 0ppm, nitrate at 0 ppm. Temp at 80* I also give the tank 10 hrs light with a Finnex Stingray 12”. Some but little algae on the glass, no algae anywhere else. The plants I have are 3 anubias sp, 1 pot lilaeopsis, 1/2 pot alternanthera reineckii, and 1 pot pearl weed.

  10. First question. I’m starting to get small patches of hair algae on my plant that are at the top of my tank, no algae anywhere else. What can I do to keep it from spreading? No pics of algae.

    second question. My alternanthea reineckii is long and stemmy, how can I make it more bushy?


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