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Posts posted by PBA

  1. Thanks so much for the info that was wonderful. My nitrates are between 10-25 ppm, my PH is around 6.8ish.  If I may pick your brain further, can red plants cause there to not be enough iron for others? I have my lights pretty high for my Bacopa Caroliniana and its all deep red. Could that or the high light be doing anything?  I have a bottle of easy iron since you didn't mention that I assume that wouldn't work due to what its made with? 


    Edit: I just checked and it says easy Iron is also made from Ferrous Gluconate. I used to use it on my bacopa and a few other red plants in that tank.  Maybe I shouldn't have stopped.  I was having a bit of an algae battle and I thought the iron was what was helping it along.

  2. It is a 40g breeder full of other plants, mostly bacopa and pearlweed, a barteri, java moss and some crypts and the nana petite is the only ones yellowing. The tank is over a year and a half old and I have been using root tabs and dosing easy green about 6 pumps every morning. Before I go adding some, would you think its a potassium deficiency. I am at work right now so I do not have a picture but I can when I get home. They have always been the most finicky of the plants in the tank and there are 5 of them. What are your thoughts?

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  3. Hey everyone,


    My name is Ty Miller and I have been keeping fish off and on since I was a child. I used to breed guppies and sale them back to the local fish store that has since closed.  It had been several years since I had fish but I had been keeping up with Cory even when I wasn't fishkeeping and late in the summer before the pandemic I spied my daughters kiddie pool, and I had an idea. I cleaned it out and put it on my porch, filled it with water and sand, tossed in an airstone and later some feeder goldfish from the local petstore. I had no idea the rabbit hole I was about to go down. It didnt take long and I had to look for a tank.  Well I stumbled upon a facebook ad where a man was getting rid of his entire fishroom for $200. I got a 125 gallon, two 55s, two 20s, a 40, and two 10s and everything that went with them. Suddenly I had a lot of stuff.  I had never had more than 4 tanks as a kid, and none larger than a 20.  I set up the backroom of my house as an impromptu fishroom, filled the tanks with guppies, swords, and platys. Fast forward and a friend of mine got out of the hobby and gave me their stuff and suddenly I had over 20 tanks.  I have about 3/4 of them set up and going around my home now all trying to breed certain species, from several different cory cats, angles, guppies, swords, platys, clown killies, otos, pea puffers, bristlenose, danios, and shrimp/snails.  I hope to get some rainbow tanks going as well as more species of cory cats (I love them so much) and I am working on my own guppy strain.  I have an an acre and a half of land and plan on building out a separate greenhouse to grow out plants and fish year round outside, similar to Charles work at Goliad farms.  Hopefully it all works out, things have grown so much since I first tossed some goldfish in a kiddie pool one afternoon.  I have worked in IT my whole life but nothing gives me the same sense of accomplishment as fishkeeping.  

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