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  1. Hi everyone, I'm hoping to get some advice. I'm a new hobbyist, not trying to breed currently for sale or profit; but I'd love to gradually expand my fish population. I'd love advice on what I can do so that some fry survive and grow well within a community tank. I currently have two tanks, each with corydoras and guppies. This month I'm attempting to hatch some cory eggs I removed and put in a floating breeder box. But long term, I'd love to set up my tank so that some fry can make it to hatch and grow up there well, assuming that's possible with a school of corys and guppies. If so, I'd love some advice as I know I won't always have time to try to pull some eggs and raise them separately, but like the idea of gradually growing my fish population and having some to give to friends. I've found lots of advice on removing cory eggs and raising them, but few practical details on what to do to try to help them hatch/grow in one community tank. I've heard good things about adding floating plants like java moss and just ordered some. What else can I do and any thoughts on feeding? I worry the fry might not get enough to eat in a community tank. How're people handling that? Thanks for sharing any tips or pointing me to an existing thread on this. Thanks much! - Yaari (they/them) from Queens, NYC PS In case further details are helpful, the tanks are 20 gal and 29 gal, the corys are in like species schools (sterbai and splendens), sand substrate, filtration via sponge filters. One tank also has filtration through a small aquaponics system on top.
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