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Posts posted by Roscoe

  1. I forget where I saw this, but I've seen it suggested that you can culture live food in a separate container, then set up a tube that slowly drips water from the live food container into the tank, which creates basically a little live food faucet. Might be a pain to set up but if you could manage, it would basically be a low-tech live food autofeeder, haha! Good luck 🙂

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  2. Have you changed the lighting recently? I had to troubleshoot weird corner behavior with my chilis and the answer ended up being the light--I got one that ramps gradually up in the morning instead of just turning on all at once and that made a really big difference.

    If you didn't change the light, my bet's on the filter. They're so teeny-weeny that the currents affect them more--they might just be in that corner because it's the easiest place to stay still and try to hunt nano-prey, which seems to be their preferred behavior in my tank. A slower current or more things in the open space of the tank to break up the current might help them spread out, if either of those things are workable with your setup.

    If you didn't change the lighting and have no options with the filter, my last recommendation would be adding more floating plants so that there's less "open water" in the tank. Mine really like the floating water sprite plants I've added (one of which is from Aquarium Co-op! They ALL would be but I'm lucky and my LFS has the broad-leaf variety, haha), and sometimes if you get them comfy with lots of plants you can slowly remove them without freaking out the chilis, if you're not into the HEAVILY planted aesthetic that they prefer. Good luck!

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  3. Another vote here for assassin snails! They're actually beautiful; check out some pics of their neat bumblebee-stripe shells if you haven't yet. Their wiggly little proboscis is pretty fun too. I don't have them in my tank because I'm weirdly attached to my bladder snails, but if you're not as soft-hearted as me, they're definitely effective.

    Also, if there's room in your tank plan for some little shrimps as an addition to the clean-up crew, they might help out-compete the snails for leftover food? Shrimp don't seem as effective as snails at turning food into babies, haha

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