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Whip's World

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Posts posted by Whip's World

  1. On 5/29/2021 at 6:07 AM, Whip's World said:

    I know Cory isn't into the big fish so much anymore (Murphy & Ladybird aside), but if he or any of you have an idea on how to move a 20+ in arowana, I'm open to suggestions and/or advice. 

    To clarify, I'm moving her from one tank to another within the same fish room, perhaps 15 feet. My question revolves more around netting the beastie, not the move itself. As you probably know, Arowana are jumpers and even after I had the tank 50% drained during a water change a while back, she was still able to launch herself up and out. My biggest net, while fairly large, cannot contain even half her mass.

    I'm thinking a pillow case? I thought maybe a koi net-sock thing but most of them are $50ish and that seems a bit extravagant for something I don't plan on using more than twice.

  2. I know Cory isn't into the big fish so much anymore (Murphy & Ladybird aside), but if he or any of you have an idea on how to move a 20+ in arowana, I'm open to suggestions and/or advice. 


    To clarify, I'm moving her from one tank to another within the same fish room, perhaps 15 feet. My question revolves more around netting the beastie, not the move itself. As you probably know, Arowana are jumpers and even after I had the tank 50% drained during a water change a while back, she was still able to launch herself up and out. My biggest net, while fairly large, cannot contain even half her mass.

    I'm thinking a pillow case? I thought maybe a koi net-sock thing but most of them are $50ish and that seems a bit extravagant for something I don't plan on using more than twice.

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  3. I heard Hat Trick Farm Joey say over on a morning Live stream earlier this week with Father Fish that the design has changed, at least in the smaller models. She said she has to buy a 110 soon and will let us know. If this proves to be true, the best feature - the oversized media basket - is no longer easy to customize and, in my opinion, transforms this rattletrap of a filter into junk.

    Has anyone purchased the 110 model recently? Can anyone confirm or deny?

  4. I want to do a non-regional non-lake specific african tank; housing several species from all over the continent. What stocking recommendations would you make? Keep in mind, I want representation from the three big lakes, as well as streams and rivers.

  5. I'm upgrading my betta "Bowl", which is a bare bottom 2.5g glass cookie jar filtered with a small sponge and heated with a Sicce Jolly mini heater.

    Needless to say, 14 gallons is a fair sight bigger than the current accommodations and I'm a long time keeper of the big bodied SA & CA Cichlids. The kind of fish that are prone to move the substrate around to their oqn liking on a daily basis. Because of that, I have never really tried my hand at aquascaping.

    Here's what I'm thinking:

    Crushed coral substrate. Blue background, maybe red. I'll have to upgrade the heater to a 50w Eheim/Jager. The Aqueon clip light I have on the Bowl. Anubias for plants. A small piece of spiderwood (provided I can find something that speaks to me) and Lace rock for the hardscape. A six pack of Cory cats and a threesome of male Fancy Tail Guppies for tankmates.

    What do YOU advise?


  6. Cory/Dean/Candi,

    I recently bought water sprite from the Co-Op and it's already dying back hard. The plan was to plant it in my 29g (soon-to-be) guppy tank which has stingray lighting, but the heater is wonky and, although currently on and set to 80°, the water remains at room temp (68°). That being what it is, I thought I'd keep it in my planted 75g until a new heater could be secured, but it is definitely not doing well in there (standard kit lighting that is very old). Does water temperature factor into keeping plants like it does with the fish themselves or do they do well regardless (assuming there's plenty of "food" for them?



  7. 1 minute ago, Whip's World said:

    I know about the rhizome. That's why I'm having trouble keeping them planted. What is this "Plant Weight" you speak of? Is it an official product to be purchased or is it whatever you happen to find that works?

    Ah! Disregard. They are a product to be purchased. I just saw the link from the previous reply.

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  8. On 10/12/2020 at 10:39 PM, Mitch Norton said:

    The plant weights could be used to get them to stay on the substrate long enough to root. Keep in mind that plants like anubias and Java fern have rhizomes (the horizontal root the stems/leaves and roots grow from) and rhizomes must stay above the substrate. You can’t bury them or the plant will die. 

    You can bury the roots that are growing down, and put a plant weight around the rhizome loosely. The roots will eventually grab the substrate and you can carefully remove the weight. Keep it loose, and make sure you’re fish can’t get hurt in any sharp edges or corners. 

    I know about the rhizome. That's why I'm having trouble keeping them planted. What is this "Plant Weight" you speak of? Is it an official product to be purchased or is it whatever you happen to find that works?

    • Like 1
  9. On 10/6/2020 at 4:16 PM, Wisnasky-tank said:

    Hello everyone was curious on your thoughts about canister filters what brands do you buy what site do you use etc I’m a poor guy lol so dose cheep mean bad? Should I suck it up and spend 300$ like I said need some opinions and thoughts thanks in 

    This hobby can get pricey to say the least, but you can take shortcuts here and there and it won't kill you. I wouldn't take that approach on the filtration though. Contrary to what Cory says, I think canisters are the best way to go for show tanks. They're quiet and less obtrusive. So far Fluval is my favorite, but they can be expensive depending on the size of your tank.

  10. How the heck do you keep the little buggers in the ground and not floating around the surface? None of the free swimmers in this tank is particularly large but the plants keep popping out of the ground. My guess is that the cory's are disturbing them but it could be the fire eel too. She does spend the majority of her time under the gravel, cruising around like a worm from Dune. There are two rather large rainbow sharks in here too, but I haven't seen them messing with the plants. Maybe at night when the lights are off?


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  11. I have not added anything to my 29g hospital/quarantine tank in years. Not plants. Not fish. Not decor. Yet, magically, a couple years ago, snails started showing up. Ar first, I didn't care so much because they do add waste to keep the nitrogen cycle going. However, now I'm thinking about trying my hand at plants and that tank is as good as a tank as any to start in. What I don't want is, to cause an infestation my other tanks... assuming I do okay at the plant project and start moving them around. No hitchhikers!

    So, all that to ask, what's the best fish to get that will eliminate snails and their eggs? I hear loaches, but there are a great many types to chose from. Is one type better than another?

  12. How much water did you change? 

    No Idea. Maybe 40% I take it down so its just above the intakes for my canisters.

    Are the fish still alive? 

    Yes sir

    What's the parameter difference between the two waters? 

    No idea. I didn't check then and I've been working 16 hour shifts since the mishap.

    How often do you do water changes?

    Roughly once a week, generally Saturday mornings

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