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Posts posted by Cthulhu

  1. Hmmm... I had passed off anchor worms based on some of the images I saw along with commonality and species, but per your suggestion I looked into them more I think you are right! Bummer. Looks like these can be a hassle to get rid of? I see some people say you can remove with tweezers? Makes me a bit nervous but I have pretty steady hands. Sounds like General Cure won't do these guys in, Coop recommends CyroPro?

    I have attached a few clearer pictures to help better identify.R2.jpg.56a7dab7a20366ee1460826a8efcf2e2.jpgR3.jpg.eb5ca734eec5cb7874e370e811f6bcfc.jpg

  2. 10g QT - Thought it was cycled, but it no longer is.


    Water Parameters:

    • pH - 8.2
    • Nitrates - 0
    • Hardness - 150
    • Nitrite - 0
    • Ammonia - 0.3
    • KH/Buffer - 200
    • Water Temperature - 77.2 F (Single setting, I thought it would be fine for a QT tank)


    Hey everyone! After listening to the COOP live-streams over the last month this forum sound like the best so I joined up! I've been trying to get some rainbow fish for quite some time (really hard to get right now!) and believe it or not I found some at Petco. Sadly, when I got them a little over a week ago they were looking a bit lethargic and I knew they needed to be quarantined (learned my lesson once upon a time!). They were all very frightened and showed signs of ich the next morning and many exhibited flashing/twitching; my guess is multiple sicknesses. I started treatment with Imaginarium Parasite Remedy as I have had success in the past, but after a little time it got a lot worse. I took the plants out and did a 2T/5g solution per Coop article as I have also had success with this in larger tanks. On day 6they are ich free and coloring up, they are much happier now and show a lot of energy overall!

    Where I am now: Day 6 of salt treatment, ich clear, but I plan to go 10 days. One of the Rainbows hangs back from the group and upon closer inspection has an odd, worm-like thing coming out of 'her' gills or very close to, see image. I tried to research long black parasites but could not find anything, gill flukes are supposed to be microscopic right? Since I started seeing it about 4 days back part of it quickly turned white, which doesn't come through the image well. I have noticed at least one other still flashing but have not seen the worm on any other fish. Any thoughts?

    What I want to do: I am not sure if the salt will take care of this or if the fish have any additional issues. I do not have any of the trio (yet), but I do have some General Cure (similar ingredients to ParaCleanse) I picked up a while back, but I am not sure if I should dose along side the Aquarium Salt... there is not a lot of information dosing with both and the information I do find is either DO NOT do this or it's completely fine. Any experiences, suggestions, or cautions?

    Thanks in advance!



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