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Posts posted by Almw104

  1. Another Update: After even more research, I believe these are actually stentors not vorticella. They supposedly aren't harmful to shrimp, fry, etc but do repopulate quickly in poor water quality. Just wanted to share in case anyone else is interested! 

  2. Edit: Did some further research and these mystery critters do seem very similar. Will continue to gather as much info as I can...🤔


    That could be a match but what is in my tank doesn't seem as fluffy looking as Vorticella. I'll keep it in mind though. Thank you

  3. What are these in my tank?https://youtube.com/shorts/qETDTtZqGX0?feature=share

    They are green like algae and move similar to worms but seemingly do not have tentacles like hydra. I've dealt with hydra before (many months ago) and have medicated my water with de wormer just incase. I've noticed my tank water has had a slight yellow/green tint no matter how many water changes (also reduced feedings) I've done over the past month. Only residents are a betta and some ramshorn snails and they seem to be doing ok. I did get some new plants and forgot to quarantine them which could be the source of the critters. When I had hydra previously, I initially thought it was just an algae bloom so could these be the beginning of another hydra outbreak or are they something else? I never seen anything like this before and I'm afraid to manually clean the glass if they are hydra. Anyone know what this is?? Any tips very much appreciated!

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