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Posts posted by CosmicAshhole

  1. On 6/28/2021 at 2:49 PM, Fish Folk said:

    I realize that this is a debatable approach, but I’d reach out to my LFS and see if I could trade him in. Maybe for a female? Or, just for another aquarist to enjoy. Craigslist can work sometimes too. 

    My husband recommended this, too.  I feel bad about doing that -- but I am starting to think it would be the best option.  My LFS had a cute little (f) Honey gourami when I went on Saturday.  I'll give them a call. 

    • Like 2
  2. On 6/28/2021 at 2:39 PM, Fish Folk said:

    What is the expected max full grown size for this particular Gourami?

    Dwarf Gouramis are notoriously aggressive. Somehow, in certain circumstances, they can be tamed — mine are currently in a species-only set up. But to advise you... I’ll need to know exactly how big this “jerk” fish will get!

    He's a pearl gourami.  He should only get about 5inches or so

    • Like 1
  3. Hello again!


    So, my fish have been together for a little while now... My gourami is not a peaceful guy.  He killed the other gourami, and now he's terrorizing my tetras.  I am not sure what to do with him.  Would I be the worst if i put him into my parents tank with some Blood Parrots?  Or would I be better off setting him up, alone, in a 10 gallon?  I have a 5 set up, but I feel like it's too small?


    Any advice would be great.  

    Thank you! 


    Edited to add: He's a pearl gourami. 

    • Sad 1
  4. Soooo, one of my gouramis took a turn and is now back in the hospital tank.  I can't figure out what's wrong.  So I'm treating with the trio less the Ich X. 

    Hope it pulls through, but its not looking good.  😞 


    As far as the Staghorn went, the Otos cleaned it up!  I'm glad I didnt start going crazy with treatments, though I will admit it was super hard to let it play out. 


    If I'm being completely honest, I'm pretty discouraged thus far... Sigh

    • Sad 1
  5. On 6/18/2021 at 3:53 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    Floaters can also help fish feel more secure sometimes and curb some of the unwanted behaviors. I’d try one thing give it a couple weeks and try another. 

    I do have some floaters in there.  They were added a couple of weeks ago, before the fish. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/18/2021 at 3:23 PM, Patrick_G said:

    Do you have room for a big piece of hardscape in your tank? It looks like you could fit some wood or aquascaping stone in right in front of the filter. That might break the sight line and curb the nipping a bit. 

    I've actually been thinking about pulling out the dwarf sag as it seems to just be snail food.  I do have some nice pieces of stone laying around.  I can figure something out. 

    • Like 2
  7. On 6/18/2021 at 2:59 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    I’ve found the sweet spot is usually 7-11.

    I have 8.  It looks like a couple are pregnant, or just bigger... I do fin checks to see how bad the little ones are getting bullied and it doesn't look *TOOOOO* bad.  But it's not great either. 

  8. On 6/18/2021 at 2:04 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    Are those serpae tetras? Always liked the look of them heard they can be nippy - how have you found them so far?

    Yes they are.  And yes, I've come to find they are very nippy with each other.  They don't mess with the gouramis or the otos.   I am feeding them twice a day to keep them from going after each other.  If I would've known this beforehand, I probably would have gone with another fish.  Learning more and more daily 🙂

  9. Thank you!  I noticed today, however, that one of the gourami's seems to be picking on the other?  When I bought them I read that they were peaceful, but now I'm seeing things to the contrary so I'm pretty concerned.  One is much smaller than the other.

    • Like 1
  10. I'm in Fresno.  Its currently 102.  I started a 100 gallon porch pond in one of those big rubbermaid stock tanks.  I'll let you know how it goes.  So far its not been too bad.  I did a small water change on it today...but other than that it seems ok.

    • Like 2
  11. So here is my updated testing. I expected the ammonia to be a little higher today because I put my 8 tetras in the tank because the stability said it was ok as long as I dose every day for 7 days. Today is day 3. 

    Should I add prime? I don't think I should, but I am not an expert. 

    Is it ok to dose easy green during this time? Or should I hold off? 

    I might add in my gouramis today, I'm not sure. 


  12. On 6/16/2021 at 4:36 PM, laritheloud said:

    I truly think this behavior isn't unique to black neons. I think this is just tetra behavior, seen in varying degrees across all different varieties. I have diamond tetras in my 29 gallon, and they're beautiful, but they're absolute jerks -- only to each other and not to other fish, thank god. Usually the alpha male will get into an amorous breeding mood, and if another male *DARES* to get close to his breeding shrub, he will fight fight fight. It freaks me out, and I can't say I haven't considered rehoming the diamonds. Not a matter of not having enough in the school, they bred enough to fill out to 9 or 10. 😬

    Absolutely beautiful and interesting fish, but I'm not sure I have the heart to try other tetras after these!

    Well this is good to know about Tetras.  I had 10 Serpae and lost 2.  I thought it was from the quarantine but it could've been from the others being jerks. 

  13. On 6/16/2021 at 4:45 PM, TheCzarista said:

    Don't you have a brand new Betta seeking your attention? 😉

    Nope!  Pietro is set up!   I do have some brand new gouramis and tetras seeking attention though.    Just waiting for their home to cycle.  Only a couple more days. 😛 


    The featherfin would go to my parents 55gallon. 🙂

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