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Posts posted by Thomas

  1. So my Platies were due to give birth a month ago for their 1st pregnancy, but still refuses to drop them all. I’ve only seen like 6 fry so far. At first I wanted to save all the fry, so I put the females in a floating 3 gallon bin in the main 40 gallon, but they seemed stressed, so I put them back in with the males. But now, I don’t really care if the fry live or get eaten since I know they’ll just give birth again. I just want the females to drop their fry though. 

    As you can see, there are plenty of hiding spots, the gravid spot is already there, and the water is heated to 86 F. I know the tank is cycled due to the plants going HAM, but I don’t check the water parameters because I routinely do a 25% WC weekly anyways. Does anyone know what’s going on? 

    photo of my tank: https://imgur.com/a/G6iqgjI

  2. I have some pregnant female Platys that are due to deliver this Friday as July 9th marks the end of the 28-day gestation period. In the weeks leading up to today, my Platys have had a black gravid spot. But last Thursday, after a water change, when I moved them to a giant 3 gallon breeding box, I noticed that on some of the Platys, the spot turned pink! Some spots remained black and some have both black and pink. What does this mean? I'm afraid I did something that made them abort their fry.

  3. On 6/20/2021 at 6:07 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Alrighty. Here’s a trick I learned from a pro breeder...

    Get a large piece of darice mesh, and bend it into your tank like this:


    Place your adults / pregnant Livebearers inside with a sponge filter, and put loads of plants outside:


    Or like this:


    Fry will instinctively try to escape the parents, and swim through the darice mesh to safety among the plants on the other side.

    For your 20 gal, you may need to lower the water level to get below the height of the darice sheet.

    Oh wow! That's such a great idea. Thank you! It's like a giant breeder box.

  4. On 6/20/2021 at 5:20 PM, Fish Folk said:

    This can be a challenge. You might be able to tell which are less “boxed up.” They generally drop their fry within 24 hrs.

    Are you trying to preserve fry? Is that why you want to move the adults? Can you post a few photos of your tank? 

    Ah shoot. I didn't know how to do the quote thing and forgot to do it as well. I couldn't delete my previous reply, so I'm just going to leave this here.

  5. I currently have 7 pregnant platys in a 20 gallon tall, that are due in 2 weeks. The tank is packed from the middle to top with Elodea. I don't have gravel at the bottom, but I did put in pieces of PVC piping/connectors (~25), like 3 big fist fist sized rocks, and a little tower filled with holes too small for an adult to fit through.

    All my platys are part of the same brood, so I assume that all the females got pregnant around the same time, since all the males matured at the same time as well. June 11th was when I first saw a male and a female going at it. So I would like to scoop out the female as soon as she's done giving birth, but with 7 in the same tank, I imagine that it's going to be pretty tough to find out which one already given birth.

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  6. 1) Something that I think needs to be created is a tablet that releases Oxygen into the water once dropped in. This would be perfect for power outages. You could just drop in a handful or one at a time periodically. Thanks to modern medicine, we now have slow-release tablets. If the slow-release mechanism could somehow be implemented to the O2 releasing tablets, it would also make shipping fish a TON easier. You'd just have to calculate how much the bag will expand  once O2 is released from the tablet.  

    2) Another thing would be an ultra fast UV light that can disinfect water, plants, and fish. It should be used at LFS's at the checkout, so the risk of bringing home a parasite or bacteria is extremely low. Because powerful UV bulbs are expensive, the LFS could charge an extra fee if you want that service to bypass the quarantine stage at home. It could be like a pen and you just shine it over the baggie in which you put fish/plants in. Then when you get home, make a cut right in the middle of the water level or anywhere that has been scanned, and pour in your fish/plants.

  7. My Platies are still growing up and have not reached maturity yet. But I am just asking for the future. So I know that there is a debate between the idea of scooping out a pregnant Platy that is about to give birth into a breeding net or to leave her in the main tank to give birth naturally. I want my first batch of fry to all survive as close to 100% as possible. The only way this is possible is to scoop out the pregnant female. But others have said that scooping out the pregnant female might cause her to abort the fry. But I know that if I leave them in the main tank, all the adults will eat the fry up and I'll be left with a small number.

    Just for reference, the tank in question is a 40 gallon breeder, currently stocking (25) 44 day old Platies. I a lot of Anacharis/Elodea planted in 1/3 of the tank on the side and a 3 small Java Ferns on the other end of the tank. I am expecting the Anacharis/Elodea to fill up a good and dense chunk by the time my Platies are able to breed.


  8. Hi everyone! Thank you all for your helpful tips! I checked my fry this morning and it seems that only 1 fry still has it. But I think I'll take your advice and just cave in and buy Ich meds. But unfortunately, as much as I hear about the good qualities of Ich X, I am going to have to buy Seachem Paraguard instead since I can recieve as early as tomorrow with Amazon Prime. The Ich X on Amazon won't arrive till May 20.

    Edit: Great news! I found Ich X on Amazon that has Prime! But I also have some new questions about the medication. My water has Seachem Safe in it, will that interfere with Ich X? Also, once the treatment is complete, approximately how long does it take for the Blue-tinted silicone to fade away?

  9. So I stupidly thought that it was a good idea to put 30 Platy fry in a 40 gallon breeder tank all by themselves. This morning, I saw Ich on 2 of them. One with a speck on the pectoral fin and the other fry with two specks on its gill plate and mouth. I have begun treatment by raising the temperature to 86F. It’s an open-top with a HOB, so the depletion of Oxygen is not an issue. Unfortunately, it is also a planted and graveled tank. Does anyone have tips for me? Any would greatly be appreciated. I also want to add salt, but all I have at home is Great Value Plain Salt: no Iodide, but has Prussiate of Soda ? I should’ve left them in their little 3 gallon, but Petco was having a deal on tanks, so I bought the 40 gallon for $50, quickly seeded it from another tank, and added the fry, thinking that more room = faster growth rates. What a mistake that was. 

    edit: added "fry" to Platy in first sentence

  10. Hi everyone.

    I am in a bit of a pickle today. I only have 1 tank at home (20 gal) with 1 juvenile Ryukin and 5 Glassfish. Yesterday, I went out and bought 5 Dwarf Red Platies. At the store, they looked perfect. I didn't see any fungus, fin tear, or discoloration. I don't have a quarantine tank, so I just added them in after a 30 min acclimation. After adding them, I noticed that one of them had ich. The damage was done, so I went and added salt to the tank at a ratio of 1 Tbsp per 2 gal water. I also used API PimaFix and am currently on day 2. This morning, I checked again and noticed that the initial Platy does not have ich anymore, but the 4 other ones do (only the Platies have ich at the moment). I got scared and scooped them out into a cup. I then noticed that one was giving birth. So I scooped the other 4 out, then scooped out the mother when she was done. I then put a mesh breeder box in the main tank, and poured the babies. Will the salt and meds in the main tank hurt the babies? I assumed that it was safe to add in the babies because ich is an external parasite, not an internal one. I also don't have food for them. I only have Hikari Goldfish Gold, some tetra flakes, and some cubes of freeze-dried brine shrimp. It must've mated while at the shop, because I don't have any males, and was unfortunately not prepared for this. Can someone help me out please? I would like to also apologize if I am posting in the wrong section. It was either this section or the fish diseases one. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful day.

    - Thomas

  11. Hi everyone! My name is Thomas. I currently have a 20 gallon tall with 1 juvenile Ryukin, 5 Indian Glassfish, and 5 Dwarf Red Coral Platies that just came in yesterday. As for plants, at this moment, I only have Elodea/Anacharis. But I plan to get more soon. Thank you for having me!

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