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Posts posted by KendraCrippen

  1. I have a sponge filter but I've noticed that the top dwellers seem to like to eat in one spot so I feed them first with anything and usually that distracts them long enough to get food to the others. Flake food not so much but other things that sink a bit faster seem to get to them more readily.

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  2. Yeah I thought they were being a bit much towards each other. Just the constant "peacocking" at each other and chasing each other. I'm just not sure if I should get more males or females. And if females will they and the other in the tank eat most of the fry. I know it sounds mean but I really am not looking for an invasion haha.

  3. Hi all. I have 3 male endlers in my community tank. I let my daughter talk me into getting them but I've never kept guppies of any kind before. I feel like they are happy/healthy because there is no nipped fins, they are eating fine but there is only three of them and they never leave each other alone. I obviously don't want them to be stressed but I don't really want to add females as I'm not looking to be a breeder or just have a tank full of endlers haha. Wondering if just keeping the three is fine since no one looks sick, or is hiding from being bullied if I should bother getting more?  They are in a 29 gallon with a female Betta, 6 Cory's, 1 hillstream (but I would like more), 1 ADF, a couple of Nerites and a big handful of bladder snails. Thanks


  4. Well at least now I know I'm not the only one. What I do when I feed is distract endlers and while they a munching I'll shoot some food down to the bottom with a pipette (when feeding thawed brine or daphnia) <spelling? And the Cory's will jump on it. But for me the lights don't seem to matter because the female Betta and endlers see me and go ballistic no matter how dark.

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  5. I hope your ADF are all still doing well. And I know this post is now old but my male loves to do this as well. Everytime I see him up there I whip out some treats and a pipette and hand feed him. I think they just like chilling up there sometimes. But I definitely thought he was tangled or something the first time or two I saw him do that.

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