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Travis Harman

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Posts posted by Travis Harman

  1. On 1/2/2022 at 7:21 AM, isaly said:

    So...where, ideally, would you want nitrate levels to be?

    I started my 55 gal in September '21. It's my only tank right now. I put some plants and a few small fish in to help start the cycle. I changed water often and nothing got high enough to cause me alarm. I used an API master kit. I got ammonia, then I got nitrite, and both went to 0. Nitrite never got above somewhere between 5 and 10, given that the comparisons to process color (a printing thing) are approximations at best. I got algae, blue green, hair, and filamentous which did a number my stem plants.

    I've cut down the light. Algae got less prevalent. I carefully researched and then dosed H2O2. Algae got still less prevalent, grows back but much more slowly but it's still there.

    What I understand, could be wrong, and what you wrote above seems to confirm, is that there needs to be some nitrate in the water for plants. It seems there's a contingent that goes nuts when nitrate gets above 20 and water change, water change, water change.

    I interpret what you and others have written (hopefully correctly) to mean that low tech tanks are a balancing act between light and nitrate (and other nutrients for the health of the plants.

    From every thing I read some where between 20-40ppm.   I'm no expert but the tank I have been having problems with was hard to keep them above 10.  I have done what she suggested and my nitrate are staying in that 30-40 range fish seem happy, just hopeful that the algae slowly dies back.

  2. We have 75 gallon tank that's been running for over a year.   Last 7 months it has been a real struggle.   Cut back light (fluval 3.0) to the point plants went backwoods its on right know at 50% at its peek and total of 7 hours. Cut back fish food to every 3 days but had to go back to every day because fish where getting skinny.   Right know all traces of food are gone in 10 minutes or less. 2 months ago I started testing water parameters daily,  never seen any ammonia, nitrite, have always struggled keeping nitrate levels above 20 and have to dose easy green twice a week at 8ml. Lots of pogo stem, 2 big Java ferns, Brazilian peny wort red darwf lilly. Have always fought hair algae, blue green slime ( marcine clears right up but comes back few week later) brown diatoms, then this week I saw black beard and decided to go  nuclear and ordered a bunch of easy carbon.   I know it's going to kill my vall, but don't recognize the name of what else it will kill.  Any other ideas, we have 6 cherry barbs,  2 ottos, and white brushy nose pleco and those fish are fat with the buffet of algee.

  3. I'm trying to get a new tank started.  Have had water in it for 6 weeks, with plants.  1 Java Fern, 3 Amazon Swords,  2 Pogostem, and 2 anubus for same the time.  The  Ammonia spiked 3 weeks ago and have come down to zero.  Was dosing 2 pumps of easy green and a total5 root tabs are in tank.  Algee was going nuts and since tank was Sable and full of algee I put in 1 Otto and he's going to town.  About 3 days after that nitrite has been above .5ppm and higher.  I have changed 10 gallons a day of a 29 gallon tank 6 days strait, gravel vacuum, going to put a fluval lite in tomorrow when mail comes tomorow hopeing that kicks plant into high drive.  Tested tap water and thats a nice blue so that would be 0 nitrites. Also put a dose of fritz 7 week ago.  There's no food going in and 1 Otto should not spike nitrite.  What am I doing wrong??

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