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Posts posted by NewFishKeeper

  1. I have a 20 gallon currently with 6 neon tetras, 5 guppies, 5 corydoras, and two snails. I also have a 5 gallon aquarium with some zebra danios. I want to combine the two tanks into a 36 gallon bowfront but think it may seam too empty with only 20 small fish? I really like the look and personalities of cichlids and angelfish, but I know they are generally too aggressive to be housed with small schooling fish. I am wondering if there is a good centerpiece fish that would be docile enough to live with the others. If that isn't an option how many others of the schooling fish could I add? Or should I just leave them how they are... 



    Edit to add:

    All my parameters are checked biweekly and I do at least two water changes a week 🙂

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