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Teddy Kagel

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Posts posted by Teddy Kagel

  1. Hello all!

    I have just recently started my first tank and have delved way deeper than I thought I would. I have moved from a 5 gallon gravel planted tank with a few anubias and one crypt to a 10 gal dirted tank with nutrient rich substrate and planted 10 jungle vals along with my two anubias barteri, one reg anubias, and one unknown crypt. I have two ramshorn in this tank and I’m noticing that they’re eating the crap out of my vals and anubias, and they keep replacing the eaten leaves. I’m wondering what I should do because I feel bad getting rid of the ramshorns and I also think they look really nice. Should I give the snails to my local pet store? I don’t want to kill them or release them out into the wild. What’s the best plan? Can I feed them wafers to get them to stop eating the plants? I’ve tried a few times and I can’t see much of a difference but I haven’t done it consistently. 

    There is a Betta, a school of ember tetras, and a few Ottos, and plenty of Malaysian trumpet snails in the tank as well. 

    I fertilize the water column with seachem flourish, flourish iron, and flourish excel. 

    Thank you!

  2. Hello all!

    My name is Teddy I have recently started a new Betta tank (my first aquarium!). I set everything up. Hard scaped with Spectrastone gravel, WonderStone, Granite, and Malaysian Driftwood. I then added plants, filled it up, and added Aqueon water conditioner. I let this tank cycle for a day and then added Multi-purpose StartSmart Complete to start a bacteria culture, Seachem Flourish, and Seachem Flourish Iron. I then added my Betta and tested the water with the API water testing kit. Everything was normal and in a good range except for ammonia. I'm already up at 1ppm and I'm wondering if this is dangerous. If so should I do a water change or buy some ammo lock? Or should I wait a day to see what happens? I should also mention that I tested my tap water that I used and it came up as 0ppm.

    Thank you!

  3. Hello all!

    My name is Teddy I have recently started a new Betta tank (my first aquarium!). I set everything up. Hard scaped with Spectrastone gravel, WonderStone, Granite, and Malaysian Driftwood. I then added plants, filled it up, and added Aqueon water conditioner. I let this tank cycle for a day and then added Multi-purpose StartSmart Complete to start a bacteria culture, Seachem Flourish, and Seachem Flourish Iron. I then added my Betta and tested the water with the API water testing kit. Everything was normal and in a good range except for ammonia. I'm already up at 1ppm and I'm wondering if this is dangerous. If so should I do a water change or buy some ammo lock? Or should I wait a day to see what happens? I should also mention that I tested my tap water that I used and it came up as 0ppm.

    Thank you!

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